Judging Prophecy

If it’s true prophecy, it must eventually come to pass

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
2 min readMay 7, 2019


Good morning!

How can you tell if someone really is hearing from God?

While the idea might sound a bit out there, it’s not necessarily foolish that if there exists a Creator that still lives, He can speak; however, because so many people have brought about great abuses onto humanity in the name of God, it is often quite difficult to accept the idea that anyone hears from God.

However, the one really cool thing about prophecy is that it can be tested quite easily; if it comes to pass, the original statement was prophetic, whereas if it clearly did not (i.e. the opposite happened), then you know the prophecy was wrong.

When going about life on a journey of faith, it is important to realize that you may not always know the way God wants to lead you; every now and then you’ll probably get a feeling or a general sense of what He wants to lead you into, but it won’t always be easy to discern it, and sometimes you’ll get it wrong.

I myself have also fallen victim to saying, “Well, God told me this,” but as time continued to progress and I became more mature and saw that things were going in quite the opposite direction, I began to realize that perhaps I have been wrong.

And you know what? It’s okay to be wrong; act on your faith, act on your convictions—whilst loving people—and do your best to try to go with what you believe is right; if you get it wrong, simply recollect your thoughts and move on (it really does help).

God bless you, have a great day!

