Life Doesn’t Get Easier, You Grow Stronger

Mountains become molehills, not because life gets easier, but because we grow stronger.

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
Published in
2 min readJan 15, 2020


Good morning!

We all know life is a struggle, but isn’t it supposed to get easier?

Actually, I kind of want to change perspective over here for a bit. I do not believe that life’s challenges will lessen or that they’ll become easier to overcome. Rather, I believe that we can become stronger and rise to meet our challenges with more resilience.

Think about it like this: you will always have unexpected bills. You will always have relationships that require effort. You will always have situations that come up unexpectedly, and new challenges and griefs will rise to meet you along the path.

But, this morning, I want to encourage you to hang in there and instead of focusing on how much worse life’s challenges have become, take a moment to focus on how much stronger you’ve become. Take a look at your past and remember what you’ve been through.

As you’re wandering in the wilderness, remember how God has led you across the Red Sea, parting waves for you, creating paths where there was confusion, and making possible the things you didn’t even consider could ever happen.

The same obstacles that used to be mountains for you have been reduced to molehills, not because the challenges are weaker, but because you are stronger.

Remember this: you are stronger than you were, and more equipped to meet life’s challenges than before.

Until next time, God bless you, have a great day! (P.S. Please let me know how I could best partner with you in prayer, I would love to pray for you.)


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