Need for Intentionality

If I want to live my life to the fullest, I need to be intentional with my relationships and connections.

Morning Texts
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2021


Good morning! It’s been quite a while since I’ve sent one of these, my apologies.

Question for you today: Have you been intentional with staying connected?

A year ago, it was easy. You saw coworkers and loved ones at the office, at school, at the gym, at parks, at parties, at church, at restaurants. It was easy to stay connected when you knew that during the course of your regularly-scheduled programming, you would run into them.

Then the stay-at-home orders came into play. Now, all of a sudden, you would no longer be guaranteed that connection. Connection by convenience was largely taken out of the picture. You would no longer have the assurance of seeing somebody anytime soon — that is, not without intentional planning.

You see, going to church every weekend (in-person) used to mean that you, almost for sure, would run into the people you have grown accustomed to seeing, and you could chat and catch up and enjoy that genuine connection; in the post-COVID world, if you wanted that same degree of connection, you would have to go out of your way to schedule a phone call or a Zoom meeting or a coffee date.

Except, that’s a lot of work. It’s easy to default back into the tiniest social circle, and while that may have been incredibly beneficial for some, I believe we need to learn the value and the power of intentional connection.

Sure, that friend or semi-distant coworker may not immediately respond and jump on a call with you, but if you at least try to reach out, you’ll remind people that you care. And sometimes that’s really all we can do.

So, this morning, my challenge to you is this: tell people you miss them. Remind them that you’re thinking about them, praying for them, hoping good things come their way, and maybe even set up a way to reconnect after time apart.

May you have a wonderful rest of your week, God bless!


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