One of Those Days

What if, with just a little kindness, you could be the type of person who can help turn someone’s day completely around?

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2020


Good morning!

Have you had “one of those days” recently?

Yesterday, I had “one of those days” where everything seemed to have gone slightly awry.

We had a somewhat stressful situation at work, which was also compounded with a bad situation at my house with a repair guy and financial complications, then the public transport system caused my commute home a 40-minute delay, which in turn made me late for a dinner date.

It was one heck of a day, I tell you.

But, when all was said and done, and I finally got to meet up with one of my newest friends for dinner and was greeted with a friendly embrace, it’s as if all those issues suddenly weren’t so bad. I had a great time eating at Panda Express and window shopping at Barnes & Noble, having a few hours’ worth of relief from all the other stressors of life.

My friend, who was super understanding about things being outside of my control, absolutely just made my day. Her kindness was able to reset my emotional state and all it took was a gentle greeting and a heart to listen.

Now, the reason I’m saying this is because I know that at times, we all have “one of those days” where everything just goes ever so slightly wrong, and we all want someone to be there for us and provide some comfort.

This morning, I want to encourage you to be like my friend. The golden rule requests that we treat others the way we, in turn, wish to be treated, and I would love nothing more than for someone to do precisely what she did for me.

It doesn’t take a lot of effort. All it takes is a little bit of patience and kindness. Recognize that some things are out of people’s control, and they really could just be having a bad day. Be graceful and speak softly, and you’ll be surprised by how well you will be received.

That’s all for today, friend!

Until next time, God bless you, have a great day! (P.S. Please let me know how I could best partner with you in prayer, I would love to pray for you.)


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