Our Subconscious Tell-tale Signs

Your personality comes across even the most subtle of ways

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
2 min readMay 24, 2019


Good morning!

Did you know that certain people can examine your handwriting and describe your personality?

Believe it or not, there’s a whole science to examining the way people interact with the world to try to understand their character and personality; for example, some behavioral psychologists have concluded that people who have really small handwriting often tend to be insecure and/or deal with anxiety.

In fact, there’s even a whole TED Talk about How to Spot a Leader in their Handwriting, describing the common traits that the handwriting of many leaders share; did you know that something as tiny as whether you close your O’s or leave them open can tell a lot about yourself to anybody that knows how to “read” your handwriting?

While I think the subject is fascinating and would definitely encourage you to to check it out and learn more about the subject, the point I want to make this morning is that a lot of what we do is directly affected by our own self-perception; how we perceive ourselves often determines the way we walk, the way we talk, or even the way we write.

You know those people who look like they have all the confidence in the world when they walk; it’s a subconscious outward action that most people would never even think about it, yet it’s quite telling.

Behavioral adaptation and trying to change yourself from the outside can have a degree of impact, but even Jesus corrected religious people for cleaning and polishing the outside of their cups while leaving the insides dirty; the key to being better is to focus on self-improvement from the inside out, recognizing that as you fix your inward issues, they will begin to have a tangible impact on your external actions and subconscious habits.

Focus first on cleaning the inside of the cup — build up your self-confidence, sharpen your character, stretch your generosity — and sooner or later you will notice that outward signs will show and tell of the changes you’ve made on the inside.

God bless you, have a great day!

