Radical Generosity

If I want to live life to the fullest, I need to truly embody God’s radical generosity.

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2020


Good morning!

Have you ever encountered such radical generosity that it made you stop and say, “Wait, I didn’t even know you could do that”?

Last week, I connected with one of my coworkers who works out-of-state, and we did a video chat, thereby seeing him for the first time. Knowing just a bit about each other through a work context, he decided to recommend a show from the 60s, saying he believes I would enjoy it.

Now, if that’s all that happened, that’d be normal. However, after I checked out the episode he recommended to me, reporting that I liked it, he — I kid you not — sent me an Amazon gift card solely for the purpose of me buying the show, and I bought the full 17-DVD set for only $5 of my own money.

At that, my jaw dropped; I’ve had people recommend shows or books/audiobooks to me in the past, but this sort of generosity — “here, let me give you the money so you can go buy it yourself” — just blew my mind. I didn’t even know you could do that!

I believe it’s interactions like this that make the deepest impacts. When we reflect God’s character by embodying his characteristics, to the point that people’s jaws drop, that’s when we most accurately represent the One who sends us.

I mean, think about it: the God of the Bible is known for doing miracles, for making the impossible come to pass, for loving us even when we don’t even remotely deserve it.

If we desire to change the world — to really impact people long-term — we must embody God’s generosity to the world. As the book of Romans says, it is God’s goodness that leads men to repentance, not His wrath or judgments.

In what ways have you encountered similar radical generosity? I’d love to hear from you.

Thanks and God bless! Have a great week!

P.S. If you have any prayer requests, feel free to send them my way, I’d love to pray for you this week!


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