Sin Always Harms the Sinner

Why Gluttony, as innocent as it may seem, is quite harmful

David Szigetvari
Morning Texts
2 min readMay 20, 2019


Good morning!

Have you ever eaten too much?

Although most people recognize that Gluttony is named as one of the “7 deadly sins,” most don’t think about how it actually is wrong to eat too much.

As someone who is clearly overweight and managed to get this way over the course of two decades, I can tell you firsthand that I love food; it is mind-blowing how amazing and brilliant God was to not just put biomass engines in our bodies but to also give us taste buds that we may eat and taste our food.

Recently, however, I’ve been trying intermittent fasting to lose weight; I eat only within a 2-hour window of time, and I can eat whatever I want and however much I want, but the entire rest of the day I can only consume water.

The problem with this is that as I lose weight and digest the food I ate the previous day, my stomach shrinks. Yesterday I discovered that I can no longer eat a whole Blaze Pizza; my stomach has shrunk enough for just 2/3 of a pizza to fill me up to the brim, and any more of it will only lead to my own loss.

Going back to the sin problem, one of the best things I learned a couple of years ago is that the reason God hates sin so much is that it hurts the people He loves. I mean, think about it; almost all the sins you can commit involve hurting either yourself or others directly, and the rest just hurt yourself or others indirectly over time (i.e. via eroding your character or destroying your view of people).

Gluttony, though it may look like the most innocent of sins, can lead to people being overweight, which leads to health issues—back pain, anyone?—and eventually causes nothing but pain for the one who keeps committing it.

Although I am no master of the subject, not by any possible measure, I am committed to overcoming my own gluttony; man should eat to live, not live to eat. Perhaps, as I overcome my problem, it will resolve its own consequences along with it. And perhaps if you work on eliminating your own sins, your life will automatically feel better as their consequences slowly fade away.

God bless you, have a great day.

