Dev Diaries #1 — Bluzelle/Enigma

Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2018

Over the course of the last two years entrepreneurs, development talent, and creativity has flooded into the decentralization movement/blockchain landscape.

As projects carve out a space for themselves within an evolving, decentralized ecosystem, two things are clear: (1) there are many new candidates to propel us toward a [insert any industry]’s decentralized future (with many incumbents paying close attention); and (2) there are emerging strategic opportunities for cross-project collaborations to position ourselves favourably in the future. It is imperative that blockchain-based companies learn from and collaborate with one another and foster communities of developers.

candidates vs incumbents — positioning analogy depicted via a game of ‘Go’

Currently, we are exploring possible ways to calculate sensitive information such as credit scores in a privacy preserving, decentralized manner. Even at the proof of concept stage this requires a few ingredients: the ability to store large amounts of sensitive data, train a model off of the data, and classify new data using the resulting model.

Through double blind credit scoring, creditors can offer smart contract based credit scoring without publicly revealing the credit scoring model, and debtors can check their scores securely and privately via smart contract without revealing the underlying credit data.

In the upcoming article series, our engineers will go over how we use Bluzelle and Engima’s technologies to solve the double blind credit scoring problem. Our approach includes using customs data as our example supply chain credit information to showcase how each component from Bluzelle and Enigma works toward achieving double blind classification in a decentralized setting. For this series we will focus on leveraging our partner’s ability to store large amounts of sensitive data, and secretly classify new data using the resulting credit model.

We are hopeful such projects brings more attention to the teams involved in solving (complementary) hard problems, and encourages more people to learn.

About Eximchain

Eximchain enables businesses to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently and securely through our blockchain utility infrastructure. Using Eximchain blockchain technology, enterprises can eliminate traditional supply chain barriers and integrates actors big and small into an efficient, transparent, and secure global network.

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Eximchain enables supply chain companies to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently using blockchain technology. Learn more: