Published in
6 min readApr 17, 2018


Happening Now: Eximchain April Update (April 17th, 2018)

Hello Eximchain supporters!

We are very excited to announce our April update. We are making significant progress behind the scenes every single day, and wanted to keep you posted in this update article in addition to the monthly video. Our testnet development has been moving along swiftly and we are starting to get the balance right regarding the desired size of our mainnet. Additionally, we have completed user requirement gathering and made progress on product development with our first Proof of Concept partner. Eximchain was also strongly represented at several conferences around Asia by our CEO Hope and will attend more in the near future. Finally, we are starting our UAT, and have made a few very exciting hires. Enjoy the read!

Technical development

Main net

We are continuously scale testing our Quorum networks to help determine the size of our mainnet, we are always weighing important factors like speed, security, and scalability and want to create a balance that works for SME and Enterprise needs. Additionally, we have begun to launch test networks, currently running Quorum, that will be used to facilitate more development efforts, think public ecosystem. The test networks are publicly accessible and can be connected to using software published on our GitHub, though public participants will not be able to make use of it yet because there is currently no way to obtain tokens on the test network. However, we still invite developers to take a look at our testnet, and if they are interested to stay tuned for updates in this space. We are always looking for new keen minds. To further help our technical transparency effort along we will soon release an Eximchain Tech Dive, detailing what our toolkit looks like and how you can start using it.

Token Generation Event

We are in the process of finalizing our list of addresses. The contract that will take care of token distribution has been completed. We are currently cross checking everyone that signed the Terms and Conditions to make sure nobody gets left out. We are getting ready to deploy the token contract and announce the address. We are finishing our last security double checks to make sure everything runs safe and smooth. When everything satisfies we will proceed to the airdrop.

Quadratic Voting

Eximchain is building a set of novel governance mechanisms, one of which is our Quadratic Voting mechanism. Quadratic voting will ensure a secure network where voters will actually be able to reflect the strength of their preference, rather than just their preferred option. We are currently finishing the tests for this governance mechanism and talking to possible firms to review the entire code set. We are looking for multiple opinions to ensure our security is best in class, whilst ensuring a gas efficient transaction network. We plan to launch atestnet with full governance systems included by next month.

Community & partnership

Proof of Concept

For our first Proof of Concept, which is currently still not officially announced, we have finalized use case development scope with our partner.. We have been working with a Chinese business platform that boasts over 30,000 allied Small and Medium-Size Enterprises. We have begun dApp development, and have had our first checkpoint meetings, and Eximchain is delivering great work on time, in full;) We have also been reviewing and discussing our shortlist of candidates for our consequent PoC’s.

Events & Community

Our CEO Hope Liu was invited as a panelist on the Beyond Blocks Tokyo Summit 2018. She shared her insights on the real-world applications of Blockchain technology, from both a business and technical perspective, and of course how Eximchain is aiming to deliver this tangible value to real companies.

In the same week Hope also presented Eximchain at the first Blockchain Asia Event, hosted in Seoul, South-Korea. She actually held her talk in Korean, and was consequently interviewed by local newspaper and TV journalists.


Eximchain is very pleased to welcome two exciting new hires to strengthen the team! We will be posting an update on positions for which we are still hiring in our next bi-weekly update. Please give a warm welcome to;

Fransheska (Fran) Colon — Lead Application Developer

Eximchain is proud to welcome Fransheska (Fran) Colon to the team as Lead Application Developer. Fran earned a B.S. in Computer Science and another in Comparative Media Studies from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). After graduating…(read more).

Andrew Koh — Lead Solidity Developer

Andrew has been working on many projects within the blockchain space. He has been actively involved with MIT’s Bitcoin Club, and was also active as the Bitcoin Club Expo Director. Additionally, he has been involved in the Digital Currency Initiative, a small subgroup within the MIT Media Lab. During this time, he worked on a prototypical project that was focused on managing “smart property,”. As well as worked on CoreID a project focused on digital attestations.. (read more).

What’s happening next?

It’s always difficult to say what our exact schedule will look like, but we can definitely give sneak peeks for the following planned activities;

  • We will be releasing a Tech Dive, explaining the Eximchain toolkit, alongside a release of our Hackathon series which should get developers started with our ecosystem.
  • We will start building the specific tech required to solve the use cases presented by our proof of concept, and release some demo to show how our technology can be adopted to help businesses in global supply chain.
  • Our CEO Hope Liu will present Eximchain at What’s Next in Blockchain by Hashed in Seoul, South Korea, on the 19th of April, and deliver Keynote-The Next Generation of Public Blockchain Infrastructure for Global Supply Chain at Global Blockchain Summit in Beijing, China, on the 27th of April.
  • We will start working on videos for our CLI Tools, which can already be viewed at;




Additionally, there will be many activities and progressions that we will share with you as they occur and become relevant. We are really happy to stay in touch with you on a regular basis and hope you enjoyed the first edition of our bi-weekly update. Let us know how we can improve, and which parts you really liked!

Thanks for being a great community!

-Eximchain Team

About Eximchain

Eximchain enables businesses to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently and securely through our blockchain utility infrastructure. Using Eximchain blockchain technology, enterprises can eliminate traditional supply chain barriers and integrates actors big and small into an efficient, transparent, and secure global network

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Eximchain enables supply chain companies to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently using blockchain technology. Learn more: www.eximchain.com