Happening Now: Eximchain August Update

Published in
3 min readSep 3, 2018

Hello Eximchain supporters,

We have been working hard to prepare for mainnet launch. During our first online AskMeAnything session, we have announced that Eximchain Mainnet is tentatively scheduled to be launched on October 5th!

Technical development

Mainnet Development

Mainnet is now tentatively scheduled to be launched on October 5th. On October 5th you will be able to connect to the network and the token swap process will begin. This marks the Gamma phase of our deployment to let outside participants connect freely. If you participated in our testnet you will have early access to connect and help us conduct final production ready tests with final network configurations (keep an eye out for our bounty program).

Quadratic Voting

We plan to start the first masternode voting round in November, with early adopters first. The early adopters will be mainly private sale contributors and strategic participants. Other token holders have about 10 weeks to go through onboarding process and pass KYC before token swap happens if they want to participate in the first public voting cycle.

Token Swap

Two weeks before the Final Snapshot Day, T Day, an announcement will be made and the onboarding process will be paused. On T Day, all ERC-20 tokens will be frozen. Two weeks after T Day, Tokens will be fully swapped and everyone will be on mainnet. In the meantime, the onboarding process re-actives again. The answers to questions related to Eximchain Mainnet and Token Swap can be found here.

Community & Partnership

Quadratic Voting Illustration Competition

We have announced winner of Quadratic Voting Illustration Competition. Congratulations to Yanuar Abednego<@bee833> on winning our Quadratic Voting Illustration Competition! We’re pleased to share his work:

The first online AskMeAnything Session

Thank you everyone who submitted questions for last weeks and attended the first online AskMeAnything Session with our CEO Hope Liu 🙏 In case you missed it, check out the replay here.

Partnership with Enigma on using secret smart contract in Supply Chain Finance

Last month, we announced our partnership with Enigma on creating a novel supply chain finance use case by leveraging secret smart contracts. Eximchain is creating a decentralized way for borrowers to secure the best rates given their credit profile, while maintaining ownership and privacy over their data throughout. You can find the details from our Medium article here.


Eximchain is growing! Do you want to be part of the team that designs and delivers the world’s best blockchain for supply chain? Check out the open positions and apply through below links!

Mobile Developer

User Interface Design

Design System Engineer

Content Writer

What’s happening next?

After touring across Seoul, Singapore and Seattle, we’re on our way to the final stop of Eximchain Global Hackathon 2018 in Boston on September 22–23. Come and talk to our developers! Event details can be found here. Also our CEO Hope Liu is invited to speak at Slush Singapore and attending Consensus Singapore in September. Please stay tuned and engage with us!

Thank you for being a great community!

-Eximchain Team

About Eximchain

Eximchain enables businesses to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently and securely through our blockchain utility infrastructure. Using Eximchain blockchain technology, enterprises can eliminate traditional supply chain barriers and integrates actors big and small into an efficient, transparent, and secure global network.

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Eximchain enables supply chain companies to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently using blockchain technology. Learn more: www.eximchain.com