Happening Now: Eximchain October Update

Published in
4 min readNov 19, 2018

The year is coming to a close and Eximchain is moving forward at an accelerated rate. It is a joy to behold, but we have been busy. Please take a few minutes to read through our updates.

Tech Updates

Eximchain’s Mainnet Launch on 5th October marks a significant milestone for us in delivering a truly global footprint. For the past few months, our technical team has been focusing their efforts on building to enhance the network infrastructure and finalize changes and security considerations. We welcome developers to check in our Github repository for fresh developments and provide valuable feedback. The current infrastructure documentation and vault integration design is now in the pipeline and will be available shortly.

Eximchain Wallet

Eximchain wallet 1.0 was released in October. Eximchain Wallet is an interface for generating and managing Eximchain wallets. This is Eximchain Wallet’s first release reconfigured from MyCrypto v1.3.0. You can find the information here:

Ongoing partnership work

Enigma-Eximchain PoC

Our technical team has been working actively with Enigma on creating a novel supply chain finance use case. As Enigma’s first cohort of launch partners, we’re implementing credit scoring predictions by leveraging on top of Enigma’s secret contracts, focusing on calculating predictions from pre-trained models. The protocol will ensure privacy of the kernel and model hosted by one party, as well as the input vector submitted by another party which when classified does not leak information about either the model, kernel, or input.

This partnership will allow ecosystem participants to have the ability to build use cases and business logic based on past supply chain of transaction records stored on Eximchain Blockchain with Enigma’s secret smart contract without worrying about the privacy issue inherent to public blockchain. The collaboration series can be found here. Another series on the collaboration will be available shortly this week.


Mario Nikolic recently onboarded the Eximchain team as Visual Designer. Mario joined Eximchain because he believes blockchain technology improves our lives and wants to be a part of this revolution. He is excited to be able to help create the next generation of well designed blockchain products and bring Eximchain’s vision a reality.

Eximchain is always making a concerted effort looking for good people to deliver the mission, and will continue to scale the team from a diverse range of academic, professional, and geographic backgrounds. Please reach out to us at hello@eximchain.com if you are interested in growing our ecosystem.

Community involvement and events

This week, Hope will be at joining a blockchain panel held at Techcrunch Shenzhen, 20 November on ‘Where did my stuff go: Tracking the supply chain with blockchain tech’. Happy for your participation during the event, your input can be important!

Past events:

  1. Hope’s sharing at MIT Supply Chain bootcamp (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pY12J0Rib8)
  2. Eximchain Mainnet coverage with co-founders Hope and Juan in Singapore (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYOU4h3WGU0)
  3. Hope in a panel during Singapore Fintech Festival (https://twitter.com/TerezaN/status/1062609267256045568)
  4. Juan’s sharing at MIT on Eximchain’s consensus protocol: Quadratic Voting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8KMwV2MxvM)
  5. Enigma presentation at Devcon4 mentioning Eximchain (https://t.co/jnX0jvRcsI)

What’s next for you?

Please get ready for the token swap — Deadline to register for token swap is December 15, 2018. For token swap verification, you can whitelist your ETH address here:


Here is an article from our helpdesk with a walkthrough of the token swap process:

Development for Onboarding App is on track. You can expect it to be released before the end of this year and start preparing for Governance Voting happening next year 2019.

Selected Eximchain Mainnet news coverages:

  1. http://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/46756/eximchain-launches-first-of-a-kind-platform-bringing-the-global-supply-chain-industry-on-the-blockchain
  2. https://www.supplychaindigital.com/scm/eximchain-launch-its-supply-chain-management-platform-designed-blockchain
  3. https://www.bankingtech.com/2018/10/eximchain-unveils-supply-chain-platform-on-blockchain/
  4. http://smartsolution247.com/eximchain-launches-global-supply-chain-management-platform-for-blockchain/
  5. https://www.pymnts.com/news/b2b-payments/2018/we-trade-batavia-blockchain-trade-finance/
  6. https://twitter.com/coindesk/status/1047501272922898433
  7. https://www.blockasia.io/eximchain-brings-the-global-supply-chain-industry-on-the-blockchain/
  8. https://www.supplychainonline.co.uk/article/eximchain-releases-supply-chain-platform-for-blockchain/
  9. https://jumpstartmag.com/eximchain-launches-first-of-its-kind-platform-bringing-the-global-supply-chain-industry-on-the-blockchain/
  10. https://thefintechtimes.com/eximchain-mainnet-live/
  11. https://www.ajot.com/news/eximchain-mainnet-goes-live-bringing-the-global-supply-chain-industry-on-blockchain
  12. https://coinstelegram.com/2018/10/05/eximchain-exc-mainnet-is-live
  13. https://www.ledgerinsights.com/sme-eximchain-blockchain-supply-chain/
  14. https://icorating.com/news/2018-10-new-release-eximchain/
  15. https://www.supplychaintribe.com/blogs/rishikalapi/october-2018/23-what-is-eximchain-improving-supply-chain-financing-for-smes.html
  16. https://www.cio-asia.com/article/3312679/blockchain/eximchain-launches-blockchain-based-global-supply-chain-network.html
  17. https://www.digfingroup.com/eximchain/
  18. http://news.korea.com/view/normalview.asp?page=1&cid=EC&scid=EC8&sn=54987074
  19. https://coinrivet.com/eximchains-hope-liu-improving-supply-chain-processes-with-blockchain-tech/

Everyone is contributing. We can’t be perfect but can try to be. Thank you for being a great community. We will be survivors and the people that stick with us will be contributing to our vision to uplift the global supply chain a reality.

-Eximchain team

About Eximchain

Eximchain enables businesses to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently and securely through our blockchain utility infrastructure. Using Eximchain blockchain technology, enterprises can eliminate traditional supply chain barriers and integrates actors big and small into an efficient, transparent, and secure global network.

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Eximchain enables supply chain companies to connect, transact, and share information more efficiently using blockchain technology. Learn more: www.eximchain.com