How to participate in Eximchain Governance (2/3)- Cast your vote

Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2019

Hello Eximchain Community, today we will be explaining how to cast a vote and nominate a member once a Governance Cycle is opened. Please make sure that you have gone through the previous article to get ready.

Once you are prepared to vote:

1) Voting and nominating a member:

Voting Minimum EXC

To vote with the KYC address you need to still be staked (1024 EXC) after voting. Votes will fail if that vote causes your stake to drop below 1024 EXC.

  1. Open the Eximchain Wallet and navigate to the Governance Tab.

2. Click “Vote or Nominate”.

3. Sign into a wallet using the seed phrase accessible through the Eximchain mobile app.

4. Construct your vote (It will now error out/make the button unclickable if your vote is an invalid operation).

5. Input the address of the member you wish to cast your preference for under “Member Address”.

6. Select the ballot type, either Promotion (if they are a regular member and you want them to become a blockmaker), or Demotion (if they are a blockmaker and you would like someone else to take their place).

7. Select either for “Points for (+)” or “Points against (-)” under preference.

8. Input the number of points you wish to vote with, giving weight to your preference. Remember that points scale quadratically in cost. A minimum of 32 points is needed for the first vote a member receives that cycle.

To vote with the KYC address you need to still be staked (1024 EXC) after voting. Votes will fail if that vote causes your stake to drop below 1024 EXC.

9. Click “Next”, then adjust gas value according to how fast the speed of the transaction you want it to be. Click “Sign Transaction” and copy the raw data and/or signed transaction if needed.

10. Click “Send Transaction” after reviewing the Raw transaction data.

11. Confirm the transaction if the summary is correct, then press “Send”.

12. You will get a success screen if the transaction has been broadcast to our network.

13. Click on “Check Transaction Status” to view the status of the transaction, you will have to logout of your wallet to do this.

2) Check vote and nominating records:

  1. Go back to Governance tab and click on Ballot History.

2. Input your public address you used to vote into “Sender Address”.

3. Remember which cycle you want to review. For the Ballot Entry Number, 0 is the first cycle you voted on. Ballot Entry Number 1 would give you the second cycle you voted on, etc.

4. Click “Read Contract”. You will then be able to see the ballot records in the outputs.

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