Introducing Developer Tool — DappBot CLI

Making Dapps without ever leaving the terminal.

John O'Sullivan
2 min readNov 20, 2019


We at Eximchain understand that it’s essential for developer tooling to be easy to use, accessible right where you need it. Today we’re excited to announce the @eximchain/dappbot-cli command line interface, letting you signup, login, and make dapps without ever leaving the terminal.

The newdappbot command includes an interactive “wizard” which automatically reads a Truffle project directory, guiding you through the process of creating or updating your dapps.

We built a DappBot client into an npm-powered CLI so that you could get started as easily as possible. Now you can create a dapp by running just three commands from a Truffle project directory:

$ npm i -g @eximchain/dappbot-cli$ dappbot signup$ dappbot truffle

The signup command will walk you through creating an account, verifying your email, and logging in for the first time. DappBot’s new free tier lets you make up to five dapps, so with that done, you’re all ready to go!

The interactive dappbot truffle wizard guides you through creating or updating your dapps — watch it create a dapp for a MultiSigWallet deployed to Ropsten in under 30 seconds:

Create a dapp right from your Truffle project directory in less than 30 seconds.

When you run it from a Truffle project directory, it will automatically:

  • Check how many dapps you have available
  • Check your Truffle build artifacts to see which ones have been deployed
  • Check if your contract’s name is an available dapp name

Any information it needs from you is gathered interactively, and once you’re done creating my-new-multisig, you can open it right from the command line! Just run dappbot goto my-new-multisig.

All of this works out to an even bigger speed boost for your dapp prototyping, which is what DappBot is all about. We’re excited to see what this helps people build! dappbot directly supports Eximchain, Ethereum, and their associated test networks; if you want to build on something else, you can also plug in any valid Web3 Provider URL. If you’re curious to learn more about how we built the interactive experiences, you can find all of the source code on our GitHub.

From the Eximchain Team,

Happy Hacking!

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John O'Sullivan

Full stack engineer entrepreneur who believes in good governments with strong governance, currently building bridges to blockchains at @Eximchain .