Beauty Rains

Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely
Published in
Dec 20, 2021
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

Yet we find ourselves insecure



overanalyzing our bodies

our features

our sculptures

then we laugh at ourselves

at us

at who should be your best friend

how silly

how immature

we wouldn’t do that to our best friend

now would we?


so why do we hurt ourselves like that?

Who decided it was okay to make it a concept to cast distaste on ourselves

as we are beautiful

so what you have a feature that’s different

those who look the same

or “ideal”

should not be the beauty standard

as there should be no beauty standard to begin with

how sad

how embarrassing

we are here in our own beauty

that we have chosen

for the better

so live in it

and embrace it even when it is hard

as we are not the basics

but sculpted with a purpose



Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.