My meadow is beautiful

Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely
Published in
2 min readApr 12, 2022
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

I must remind myself that I am beauty

I am beautiful

Enlaced in flowers

They follow me

My ribs as I breathe in and out

My chest encapsulating feminine beauty

I am a representation of what it means to be a fucking badass

I must remind myself that I am beauty

I am beautiful

I am not what once was

As it was

Is what I am not

As I am beauty

I am radiant

And work to be radiant for everyone around me

I can in fact

Put my own self back together

Like a puzzle

That has no colors

A purely white puzzle

And with each piece that is put together, colors fly in

To make a beautiful landscape

One of wildflowers

Mountains laced in greenery

Meadows every which way

But most importantly

Flowers absolutely everywhere

As I am a wildflower

I am a meadow

I breathe in beauty

I am beautiful

I am putting my shitty puzzle together

Because fuck that shit

You know?

Fuck that shit

I am fucking beautiful

Now watch me put my fucking blank ass puzzle together and build my


Because fuck you, that’s why

I am mother fucking beautiful

And you have zero control

You get absolutely zero control now

Zero fucking control

I can count my blessings

In my goddamn beautiful ass meadow

My family of White Water Lilies

My boyfriend of Lavender

My women of Rudbeckia

My writing and reading of Wild Cosmos

My friends of Oxeye Daisy

My physical blessings of Mums

And hey guess what

My meadow is so fucking sexy

The most colorful meadow

Sprinkled with so many colorful flowers that light up my life

And hey guess what

Your meadow is grimy as fuck

If you even want to call what you have a meadow

Sorry, but guess what, you are fucking disgusting

And you get ZERO control over me anymore

I am beautiful

My meadow is beautiful

And I’m getting my shit together right now

So sorry you hurt a beauty

But my meadow is growing back

It’s spring time bitch



Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.