The beauty in existing as humans

Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2022
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

We come up with sweet little creations

for recreational use

and in the ways that we act

the relationships we crave

for example

to cuddle

tangled up in another

a feeling we crave

how sweet and adorable


the act of going up up up

and down down down with a friend

or a stranger

we giggle as kids

laughing as we almost fall off

who came up with that?

so sweet and beautiful that is


we take care of plants

we call them our babies

and we get excited when they grow and produce their nectar

how is that not the cutest thing


we read to enjoy

all the while expanding our knowledge

we value tiny compiled pieces of paper

we value words

we know their importance to our existence and knowing where we have been

and where we can go

not to mention

the act of flipping a page using the back cover of the book

how pure



Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.