The flower shop I love, now the flower shop I am scared to be in

Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2022
Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

Went to go get some flowers

with my mom

at the local flower shop

I have been there a many of times


bustling with people

close to where they live

knowing they are back there now

I felt myself go into panic

I knew they could be there

as we have been there together before

and their mom goes there often

so I scanned

I forgot I was at the flower shop

went to get some flowers

and forgot about the flowers

because all I could do

was stand on high alert

as if a bear was to charge at me

at any moment

I just went to get some flowers

and I love flowers

and instead

I wanted nothing more

but to get the fuck out of there

so I walked around

following my mom

agreeing with whatever she was saying to me

tuning in and out

while she was getting us flowers

because I was standing there on high alert

constantly scanning the faces of all the people there

desperately hoping my mom picks out all the flowers she needs

so we can get the fuck out of there

I couldn’t calm down on the drive home

but when I stepped into that car

after not seeing you in the flower shop

I felt relief

I was terrified

and all I did

was go

to get some flowers

at my flower shop

and instead

I forgot about the flowers

and stood there

on high alert

fuck you for that



Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.