Wonderfully splendid love

I believe I know the wonders of what people mean by “you know when you know.”

Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely
4 min readApr 2, 2022


Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

At some point in our coming to age we hear stories about people who knew their significant other was meant for them quickly after meeting them. We also hear different constructions of love and how to know when you really love someone.

I believe that we meet each person in our life for a reason and they influence our own journey in whichever positive or negative light that was meant for us. Knowing this, I have recently become completely engulfed by the most wondrous relationship I have ever experienced. The reason why I know that this person is meant for me right now is because of the odd amount of parallels that our lives have to one another. Not to mention the odd amount of times we accidentally run into one another in our day-to-day excursions, especially when we both need it the most. To add to that, the fact that the list I wrote up encapsulating all the qualities I needed in a partner were met and even exceeded. Not to mention, every single physical characteristic I find attractive was weirdly perfectly met.

Since meeting this wonder, I realized that love is not an act, which was something I believed in my past relationships. Love is not necessarily a choice either. Love is just there and you either have it or you don’t. We may sometimes choose to love our friends or family, but love is something that you just know and don’t get to make any sort of choice in feeling. Quickly into spending time with my wonder, I would noticed the words “I love you” almost spilling off my tongue. It was as if it was a knocking in my head asking to be let out. At first I was extremely off-put and confused on why I felt the need or want to express my love to my partner so early on into our relationship. Some of this unease most likely came from the social construction of waiting a few months in new relationships before spilling the beans. I clearly felt so strongly about my wonder, but continued to push the words away every time they came up. The other interesting thing about this situation was that it was incredibly difficult to push these words away. When they would knock to be let out, I would tell myself “no,” but it was as if they wouldn’t take no as an answer and kept knocking away. This is mildly difficult to explain, but my knocking analogy is the best way I can think to explain it.

Where things get really interesting is when he let the words, “I am so in love with you,” float off of his tongue one day. He was clearly surprised at what he just said as if the words had a mind of their own and decided it was time to be released. I have never experienced such “knowing” of love in any sort of relationship, friendship, or family relationships.

I also want to draw some attention the random and accidental encounters where I run into my wonder, especially after I think about how I hope to see them or if one of us could use the extra emotional support. There have been a few instances from my personal account that have resulted in us bumping into one another where if I made a different split second decision I would have never seen him. For example, once I was in the library and as I was walking to leave when I randomly decided to stop in an isle of book and look at them — something I never do. A minute later my wonder walked past the isle I was in and saw me. Similarly, the other morning as I was walking out of my dorm, my wonder ran around the corner where the door I typically exit from was. The chances of us running into one another as I was leaving for a run and him coming back from his run was incredibly slim. I find it a little funny and at this point it has become a little joke between us because weird and randomly wonderful instances happen to us quite a bit. This list honestly could go on for a little while longer, but I believe that my point has been made already; weirdly wondrous things happen to us quite often.

My wonder’s presence calms me almost immediately. I feel as if the mere existence of “us” is as perfect as it gets in terms of feeling. There is something magical about who we are together and who we will become together. Right person, right time and I know that my wonder is without a doubt, someone who is meant to be in one way or another.

I would say that this has been one of the most fabulous relationships to watch unfold. Each minute spent with my wonder is one that I adore. There is a serene feeling that floats around with us every where we go. It feels like it is constantly swirling around our souls as we exist together, as if there was some relief in finding each other. Quite infatuating isn’t it? Quite beautiful isn’t it?



Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.