Write for Exist Freely

Write freely, but with passion.

Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely
2 min readJul 29, 2021


Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

Welcome to Exist Freely! I am thrilled that you have found your way to this publication! We exist because we want to publish all sorts of writing. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, self-help stories, sports, health and wellness, spirituality, and much more. You name it, we will post it.

Now, of course there are some conditions as we cannot just post everything willy nilly!

Your story must…

  1. Be well written. We do not have the time to thoroughly edit each story for hours on end. When you submit your story, make sure it has been edited to the highest degree. Use resources like grammarly and read it out loud to make sure sentences flow together.
  2. Passion. Having passion in each story is crucial. It is incredibly important to make sure that your story has a part of you in it. Write from your core.
  3. Subtitle. Each story must have a subtitle, unless it is poetry.
  4. Photo(s) with credit to the source and must be labeled for reuse. Unsplash is a great source for this as there are quality photos that are labeled for reuse.
  5. Creativity. Don’t be bland. As we accept a wide variety of stories, basic ones will be rejected. You must want to engage your audience.

We are here to expose all writing. You may submit as many stories as you would like at a given time. They will be reviewed as quickly as I can get to them. I am currently a college student, so it may take multiple days for me to get to your story, but I promise it will be no longer than a three day wait period.

How to write for us…

Leave a comment on this post with your username and something witty or funny to make me laugh. I will add you as a writer as soon as I can. You are also welcome to DM me on instagram and let me know of your interest.

The instagram is linked to our homepage. Our username is also @eexistfreely.

Please make sure to include your full Medium username in your comment.

Happy writing and exist freely!



Amelie Bauer
Exist Freely

Pervious Editor-in-Chief of her school newspaper and named number two student journalist in CO 2021. Writes poems, life lessons, and personal opinions.