Best Hybrid App Framework In 2020

Elena Petelko
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2020

Nowadays, almost any business cannot be run without a mobile application. However, developing different apps for different platforms (Android, or iOS) takes a lot of resources. That’s why cross-platform applications would be a better choice. To develop them, frameworks are essential and choosing the right one might be confusing. In this article, we’ll tell you about the best hybrid app frameworks in 2020.

Existek is a custom software development company helping our customers to solve their business challenges with best in its class software. Our team specializes in mobile development, web development, desktop development, business automation & intelligence development. Contact us to get an instant and free expert consultation about your project.

  • What is hybrid mobile app development?
  • Most popular hybrid app frameworks
  • Best hybrid frameworks for mobile app development
  • Flutter — the best hybrid app framework in 2020

Finding out how to choose the best hybrid app framework in 2020 is not as simple as it looks at a first glance. It is a complex technical and business decision that will impact the application’s roadmap for its entire life cycle. To be more specific, the framework choice defines the development team composition, product and project management, frequency of updates, and, ultimately, the set of features offered to the users.


Read the full article about Best Hybrid App Framework In 2020 and share your thoughts on it.

If you have any additional questions or need a professional consultation — feel free to contact Existek. We are an outsourcing software development company that has extensive experience and delivers custom software development services since 2012 including Flutter application development services. You can fill in the form at our contact page for any further assistance.

