Cross-functional Team: Composition, Benefits, and Good Practices

Elena Petelko
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2023

Have you thought about the concept of a cross-functional team? What differentiates it from setting up traditional teams? How can it improve the software development process? In this article, we’ll discuss the characteristics of a cross-functional team, the benefits of having one, and how to build and manage such a team.

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List of the Content

  • What is a cross-functional team?
  • Team composition in software development
  • Benefits of a cross-functional team
  • When does a business need a cross-functional team?
  • How to set up an efficient team?
  • Good practices for managing cross-functional teams​
  • Conclusion

Software development is a complex and multifaceted process that requires the collaboration of individuals with different skills and expertise. To successfully deliver a high-quality software product, it’s essential to have a team that is diverse and cross-functional. As for the cross-functional team definition, it is a group of individuals with a range of skills, knowledge, and expertise working together to achieve a common goal. This type of team is essential in software development because it enables different perspectives to be considered, resulting in more comprehensive solutions and better outcomes.


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