Data Science vs Machine Learning: How Those Concepts Are Related and Different

Elena Petelko
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2019

A lot of concepts closely related and usually interconnected to each other might even cause certain confusion. In this article, we would like to light upon data science vs machine learning, in particular, give the definition of each concept and find out their interactions and difference.

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It goes without saying that the data has become the most valuable business asset. Year after year scientists and corporations use more and more data for the analysis and predictions. Data science has never been used so globally. AT&T uses it to analyze the network usage in different areas while Amazon analyzes how age impacts the color of the phone case customers are likely to purchase. We hear “data science” in regards to such concepts like machine learning, business intelligence, predictive analysis, deep learning, AI and dozens of others. But how all of those are working together?

List of the Contents

  • What is Data Science
  • What is Machine Learning
  • Data Science vs Machine Learning
  • In conclusion

Data science is the field covering scientific approaches of processing and structuring data in order to extract knowledge. This is a broader term that unifies different techniques for collecting data for various organizations, businesses, and governments. In short, it applies methods and approaches from mathematics, computer science, statistics and information science. Whereas machine learning is the usage of computer algorithms for analyzing the data, learning from it and making future conclusions. As for the techniques, it usually employs regression and supervised clustering. Both data science and machine learning deal with structured and unstructured data. However, the first one focuses on the entire data processing theory while machine learning concentrates on the performance of the algorithms. Therefore data science is a broader concept for multiple subjects and machine learning happens to be one of its subdivisions. Let us take a look at each of them more closely.


Read the full article about Data Science vs Machine Learning here.

As long as you suggest machine learning or data science for business, you are welcome to contact EXISTEK for further assistance. We are the outsourcing software development company with extensive experience that has implemented successful solutions for various business. We will be glad to help you with your questions as you can reach out at our contacts page or use the chat widget on the right.

