How Do Free Apps Make Money?

Elena Petelko
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2022

How do free apps make money? It is important to know the answer to this question because free mobile applications dominate the software market. Paid apps aren’t in high demand. So, building a free app would be the best option if you want to attract a wide audience. Still, receiving income from an app is one of the main goals of software developers. In this article, you’ll find the most effective ways to monetize a free app. We’ll also provide some tips on choosing the best monetization strategy.

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List of the Content

  • How much money do free apps earn
  • How to monetize a free app
  • How to choose the best monetization approach
  • In conclusion

How many times have you paid for an app from Google Play or App Store? Usually, the applications you download are predominantly free. But, do you think that developers don’t have a profit from them? On the opposite, free applications often bring more income than those requiring initial payments. In this article, we’ll discuss different ways of monetization and answer the question of “How do free apps make money?


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