How to Build The Dedicated Development Team and Make It Effective

Victor Osetskyi
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2018

It’s never too easy to build the dedicated development team if you know not of its members or you haven’t even seen them. It is a challenge most clients face as they consider partnering with an offshore IT service provider company.

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Yes, it is currently a very popular approach in the technology world as it is being accepted and adopted by a lot of companies whose software has been built by a dedicated development team but it also has its own challenges other than the trust issue.

Here are some of these challenges:

  • A project is usually an on-going process that requires the team full comprehension of every step they take for them to completely fulfill the client’s requirements. However, if there is poor direct communication between the developer and the client, the team will have to build software with the little information that they have and the end-product may not be what was required of them.
  • Balancing of technical debts and feature development for completion before commercial deadlines. With a timeframe for every project, there is always pressure on the dedicated software development team to finish up fast. The team may choose to skip some features they feel unnecessarily wasting their time and the worst part is the project manager turning a blind eye on that. Therefore, adequate time, as well as full support needs to be provided for the team to deal with the technical debt as well as the feature development.
  • Also, projects with sophisticated workloads, rare project management tools and techniques, and unfamiliar technologies, can hinder the smooth working progress of the team. Such projects usually require specific talented individuals forming the dedicated team which can be hard to come by. And even when they do, it takes time as the team has to continuously learn to fully grasp the project requirements. List of tools for the remote software development team management.
  • To build the dedicated software development team, it is expected that the client provides the necessary infrastructure and resources. With these, the team can rely on in order to carry on with their work on the project. With cases, such as poor funding and inadequate provision of other empowerment tools, the team will be limited to making technical decisions as well as managing of necessary changes for the project.

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Read the full article about How to Build Dedicated Development Team here.

At the end of the day, you require a software development company that allows you to build a dedicated development team with ease. Existek is the leading offshore dedicated development center services provider in Ukraine. We have dedicated ourselves to ensure our clients have nothing less than a committed team and one that is motivated to invest all their energy and effort into the project. We have years of experience in providing IT services to our client therefore, we have developed an eye for high-quality experts talented at different IT areas.

Contact us directly to get an instant consultation or visit our dedicated software development team service homepage to learn more. Hit us up if you are in search of a dedicated software development team and we will provide you with an unforgettable excellent experience.

Do not forget to leave your comments or questions concerning the dedicated software development team model in the comments below; we will appreciate your feedback.

Existek is a custom software development company helping our customers to solve their business challenges with best in its class software. All-out technology expertise, including the provision of Flutter application development services, .NET development, Java development, web development, etc. Contact us to get an instant and free consultation with the expert about your project.



Victor Osetskyi

Full-cycle software development company. Latest company and industry news.