How to Hire a Node.js Developer: Skills, Salary, Experience

Elena Petelko
Published in
2 min readAug 19, 2020

The popularity of Node.js entails the question about hiring Node.js web developers. In this article, we’ll consider possible pitfalls that appear in this way, and offer you various solutions for them. Thus, if you want to hire a Node.js developer that will perform work on the highest level, read the article to get to know how to choose the best ones.

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List of the Content

  • How to choose a Node.js developer?
  • Options to hire Node.js engineers
  • Where to hire a Node.js developer
  • Node.js developer salary
  • In conclusion

How to hire a Node.js developer is an extremely popular question nowadays. Node.js has become widely used among IT specialists due to various factors. Let’s name them in order to get a better perception of Node.js development.

The first and probably the most important thing that makes Node.js very common among software engineers is the fact that it is all built around JavaScript. It is, in turn, considered to take the first position in the rating of the most used programming languages, according to GitHub. Therefore, as many developers have already worked with JS, the transition to Node.js will be almost discreet.

The speed of executing codes in Node.js is the second advantage of it because it allows creating highly efficient and scalable applications. The reason for it lies in the V8 engine used in the Chrome browser. Thirdly, hosting is never a problem for Node.js. Due to its growing usage, different servers, and providers that are cloud-based support Node.js apps. Completing this list would take a lot of time so let’s stop here, and say only that the popularity of Node.js is totally fair.

Also, if you hire a Node.js developer, you automatically increase the number of projects that can be developed. Hearing about Node.js, people mostly think about web development forgetting about many other kinds of software successfully built with this technology. Be it compilers, package managers, GUI builders, I/O bound apps, command-line tools, and many more.


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