How to Hire a Web Developer

Elena Petelko
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2019

The speed and convenience of the interface are the things that help your app to attract user’s attention. This they give it a chance to compete on the overcrowded market. In this article, we’ll explain how to hire a web developer who’ll help you to build a web application with UI that stands out.

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Nowadays any application has to obtain the beautiful, fast and responsive web version. It is a common market requirement for both in-house and market-oriented apps. In order to create, improve and maintain your web application, you need to have a great web development department. Such teams are usually equipped with different specialists like developers, PM, QA, and many others. However, the core of those development teams is back-end, full-stack, and front-end web developers. They do all the heavy lifting and work on the technical state and functionality of the web platform. No doubts that the appearance and slick interface are the qualities that users value the most. This is why UI/UX design and implementation stages are mission-critical steps for the success of the product. Because of that, today we’ll focus on the question “how to hire a web developer”.

List of Contents:

  • Outlining expectations
  • Skills and experience
  • Web developer hourly rate
  • Best place to hire web developers
  • Tips and tricks
  • In conclusion

According to the studies, you have only 10 seconds to convince the user to stay on your page. The market is overcrowded with different SaaS offerings and your web app has only a couple of seconds before the user abandons it for any reason. This may be laggy UI, bad design, puzzling controls or anything else. No matter what complex integrations and advanced AI features it has under the hood — the first impression is everything. Many of sophisticated software products lose the competition to more simple apps just because they have a more user-friendly interface. And it is hard to blame the users because all of us are overwhelmed with various products and services and we don’t have time to learn something new or dig in non-intuitive UI. As a result, the skilled front-end developer is a must for implementing the user-attractive web application. Their work enables functionality and determines the user experience. They are responsible for the visual side that users interact with. It is quite important to hire a front-end developer that obtains certain skills and experience to provide and support interactions with the customers. Therefore, every company needs to outline its expectations first in order to find a web developer that will meet all the requirements.


Read the full article about How to Hire a Web Developer here.

If you have any additional questions, you are welcome to contact EXISTEK for further assistance. We are the outsourcing software development company with extensive experience that has implemented successful solutions for various business. We will be glad to help you with your questions as you can reach out at our contacts page or use the chat widget on the right.

