How to Hire The Dedicated Development Team

Victor Osetskyi
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2018

Existek is a custom software development company helping our customers to solve their business challenges with best in its class software. Our team specializes in mobile development, web development, desktop development, business automation & intelligence development. Contact us to get an instant and free consultation with the expert about your project.

More and more ISVs and SMEs decide to hire the dedicated development team. Often, they’re encouraged by the competitors’ success and positive experience. Sure, many of the software companies are familiar with this process. But how to start if you’re doing it for the first time and what’s even more important, how to make the right choice?

In this article, we will give you some general advice on hiring the dedicated development team as well as explain nuances and the process of finding dedicated developers who’ll become a valuable addition to your business.


  1. Dedicated Development Team Model
  2. Why is Dedicated Development Team is Popular as an Outsourcing Approach
  3. Successful Examples of The Dedicated Development Team Projects
  4. The Process of Hiring The Dedicated Development Team
  5. How to Evaluate Dedicated Development Center Service Provider
  6. In Conclusion


Let’s start at the very beginning. The dedicated development team is one of the engagement models where a client and the software development company have a contract on a project with specific requirements for its development process. The outsourcing company looks for the development resources who suit the client’s project scope and framework among other requirements. The client, in turn, provides the necessary resources for the project such as; information, payment of the team’s salary, provider’s fee which includes the overhead, administrative and infrastructure expenses. In general, the client has full control of the project as well as the team, while the outsourcing provider hires dedicated developers, house team members and provide administrative support.

This business model is mainly used for long-term projects which over time are expected to have different thus, very dynamic requirements in terms of the scope. Also, the dedicated development center is a suitable approach when the client’s core team lacks specific skills and experience to work on the project, or it is a challenge to acquire such full-time developers from the client’s residential country. Therefore, the general idea behind the dedicated software development team is for a client to acquire quality, unique and project-specific solutions from the offshore developers.

From the start to completion of the project, the communication between the dedicated offshore developers and the client, directly or through a project manager, is usually frequent and very interactive. This allows the client to assess the progress of the project while the offshore team gets to learn more about the project requirements.


Read the full article about How to Hire Dedicated Development Team here.

Hiring the dedicated development team seems like an overwhelming task only at first look. The reliable outsourcing service provider will accompany you on every step of establishing the offshore development center. Including the development of product specifications, hiring the right people and planning development sprints. Share your thought on the subject or leave your comments below and we’ll be glad to help you to gather your dream team together.

Existek is a software development company offering best dedicated developers for our partners. All-out technology expertise, including the provision of Flutter application development services, .NET development, Java development, web development, etc. Hire the dedicated development team with us and save up to 50% of your expenses since we offer: free recruiting until the team starts to work, a transparent management and full control of the project. Contact us to get an instant and free consultation with the expert about your project.



Victor Osetskyi

Full-cycle software development company. Latest company and industry news.