Software Development Process — Steps, Methodologies

Elena Petelko
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2021

The properly-organized software development process is half the battle on the way to a successful project. There are already created frameworks for efficient project management called software development methodologies. In the article, we’ll look at the most common ones, see what steps they include, and discuss how to choose the most suitable option for your project.

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List of the Content

  • Stages of the software development process
  • Software development methodologies
  • How to choose the best development approach
  • In conclusion

What is software development process, and why does it seem so challenging and complicated at first? So many people working on a project and so many different stages may stump you. But, if you try to figure out how it works step by step, it doesn’t seem confusing anymore. We’ll try to provide you with a clear picture of the software development process from beginning to end.

The software development model defines how and in which order the potential risks are eliminated, and the problems are solved. We’ll look into some of the models, discuss their similarities and differences, and name some of the most beneficial and comfortable to work with.


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If you have any additional questions or need a professional consultation — feel free to contact Existek. We’ll share our extensive experience as we deliver custom software development services since 2012. You can fill in the form at our contact page for any further assistance.

