What Is Minimum Viable Product and How It Works

Existek — Software Development Company
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2019

Anybody who is launching the project for the first time naturally comes to the question of what is minimum viable product and how it can be used as a part of a smart business strategy. In the article, we are giving an all-encompassing answer to this question, telling about the successful companies that leverage the minimum viable product and what advantages they get.

Existek is a custom software development company helping our customers to solve their business challenges with best in its class software. Our team specializes in mobile development, web development, desktop development, business automation & intelligence development. Contact us to get an instant and free expert consultation about your project.

Customers are extremely picky these days. Once your solution is installed and launched for the first time — it has only a minute or two to capture the user’s attention.

At the same time — software development is overwhelmingly expensive. If the company or startup has limited time and budget for the project — MVP development is the best way to keep the balance between delivering main features and keeping costs at a reasonable level.

Customers are looking for robust solutions that are marked by simplicity and clarity. Therefore today’s market sets new requirements that companies would like to meet. MVP development has become a great solution for many businesses including startups and well-established enterprises. It enables the delivery of the user-attractive projects in a fairly shorter time and gives the chance to withstand the strong competition.

List of the contents:

  • What is minimum viable product
  • How do you develop an MVP
  • What is MVP for tech companies
  • Pros and cons of the minimum viable product
  • In conclusion


So what does MVP mean? It stands for a minimum viable product. In short, this is the basic version that usually covers the fundamental components. Thus it includes features that target the main needs of the users. The minimum viable product facilitates the overall development process. It helps to design, test and deliver the final app. Any additional features will be an advancement based on user experience and feedback. When your company is planning to build a new project, there are different ways to validate the ideas and understand users’ preferences. The MVP project will be a great choice to find the solution handling both aspects. It has already worked successfully for plenty of companies.

Moreover, the minimum viable product provides businesses with an opportunity for immediate benefits. The company receives a valuable and quick result whereas minimizing expenses. It lets the company test the received results as well as helps to plan the next steps thoughtfully. In this business practice, interactions with the potential users and their feedback are used to outline the final t features. The development team works with a complete understanding of what the users actually want. This leads to fewer edits and iterations, thus the work will be less time and money consuming. It is great to know the minimum viable product definition but it will be much better to find out where you can use this approach.


Read the full article about MVP here.

If you have some ideas and need the assistance, you are welcome to contact Existek. We are an outsourcing company with great expertise in MVP as well as other business approaches. Feel free to contact us, use the contact form or the website chat widget to start the discussion. Our company is always glad to consult you and help to find your workable solution. All-out technology expertise, including the provision of Flutter application development services.

