The Elusive Boundary

Exploring the Frontiers Between Reality and Illusion

Gianpiero Andrenacci
Existential Kitchen
8 min readMay 16, 2024


How could you distinguish the world of dreams from that of reality?

“Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, fluttering and content with its existence, unaware that he was Zhuangzi. Upon awakening, to his amazement, he realized he was indeed Zhuangzi and no longer knew if it was he who dreamt of being a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of being him.”

This ancient Chinese conundrum, dating back to the 4th century BC, prompts us to reflect on the nature of reality and the difficulty of distinguishing it from illusion.

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

The Allegory of the Cave, conceived by the Greek philosopher Plato, is a profound and provocative metaphor that explores the nature of knowledge, perceived reality, and truth.

By Jan Saenredam/ After Cornelis van Haarlem

In his work “The Republic,” Plato envisions a world where men are chained from childhood, confined in a cave open to light only on the back wall. The light comes from a “great fire,” akin to the sun, and behind the opening of the cave there is a wall, as tall as a man.

Men outside the cave carry statues of various shapes, which are projected as shadows on the back wall of the cave due to the light of the fire. Those who are chained inside the cave can only see these shadows and, knowing nothing else, believe that to be reality.

Plato uses this metaphor to illustrate the process of learning and the pursuit of knowledge. According to him, the men chained in the cave represent ordinary people, whose understanding of reality is limited to superficial appearances, while the shadows on the wall represent illusions and false beliefs.

Exiting the cave symbolizes the journey towards knowledge, where the individual frees themselves from the chains of ignorance and begins to see reality in its true form.

The Allegory of the Cave confronts us with the importance of questioning reality and seeking truth beyond appearances. Plato argues that only through education and philosophy can we break free from the chains of ignorance and attain wisdom, allowing us to understand and interact with the world in a more authentic and meaningful way.

The Matrix: Reality and Illusion

In the film The Matrix, the ancient question of reality and illusion is brilliantly reimagined in a modern context, offering food for thought on the nature of knowledge and our relationship with reality. Set in a dystopian future, The Matrix presents a virtual world, created by technology, that represent the perceived reality for most people. However, the truth is hidden behind a veil of lies and deception, and only a few individuals manage to see beyond this illusion.

The story of the film revolves around the protagonist, Neo, who discovers he lives in a virtual world called “The Matrix,” created by machines to control and exploit humanity. As Neo joins a group of rebels to break free and fight against the machines, the film takes us on a journey of truth discovery and self-awareness.

The Matrix prompts us to reflect on the nature of knowledge, asking questions such as:

“What does it really mean to know something?”

“How do our perceptions influence our understanding of reality?”

“What are the implications of the distinction between reality and illusion in our daily lives?”

The film emphasizes the importance of awareness, challenging the beliefs we take for granted and urging us to seek the truth behind appearances.

Furthermore, The Matrix raises questions about our dependence on technology and how it can be used to manipulate and control our perception of reality. In an era where we are increasingly connected and interconnected through technology, the film invites us to consider the potential impact of technology on our understanding of the world and on our lives.

The Illusion in Buddhism

Buddhism addresses the issue of illusion as the primary cause of suffering. Illusion arises from ignorance, that is, from the lack of knowledge of ultimate reality. From ignorance springs desire, and thus attachment to material things and pleasurable sensations, which are ephemeral and subject to change.

Buddhist Monks — All rights reserved

People delude themselves into seeking happiness in something transient.

A harmful spiral ensues, with satisfaction and frustration following one another continuously. Humans enter the cycle of suffering and remain trapped due to their ignorance. According to Buddhism, the achievement of freedom comes through knowledge and spiritual enlightenment. This journey involves purifying the heart from passions, desires, and attachments, which fuel ignorance and illusion.

To attain enlightenment, the practitioner must follow the Noble Eightfold Path, a set of ethical, meditative, and wisdom principles that guide the practitioner towards a profound understanding of reality.

Among these principles, we find right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. By following these steps, the practitioner learns to free themselves from the chains of ignorance and to develop a deep awareness of themselves and the surrounding world. Furthermore, Buddhism promotes the practice of compassion and altruism, encouraging its followers to embrace a sincere desire to help others free themselves from suffering. This approach not only allows one to confront their inner shadows but also to develop empathy and solidarity towards other living beings, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life forms.

Dream and Reality are Indistinguishable. It’s Time to Change Perspective.

We can say that distinguishing the realm of dreams from the tangible world has occupied the mind of philosophers, scientists, and theologians alike. Many philosophical and religious traditions, including aspects of Buddhism and various dualistic religions, propose that the world we perceive is merely a shadow of a more profound, immutable truth. According to these views, our primary objective is to transcend the illusions that shroud our perceptions and awaken to genuine reality.

Reality, illusion and truth — All rights reserved

Despite exhaustive explorations by thinkers across centuries, the boundary between reality and illusion remains intangible and elusive.

Can we truly distinguish a “real” reality from an illusory one?

If we cannot see the world and others without distortions, how can we distinguish between reality and illusion, knowledge and ignorance, freedom and slavery?

The fundamental question is whether it’s possible to reach a point where we can clearly differentiate what is real from what is illusory.

How can we know the “true” reality?

How can we become enlightened?

These are questions that many have asked throughout the ages, ever since humans began to construct elaborate thoughts to the present day. Of course, I do not believe that a definitive resolution to this cognitive problem can be found in rational terms.

The only possibility for a definitive answer is to rely on a religion, on a doctrine. These systems tend to provide a definitive solution to the question of the ontological origin of reality, but we are in the realm of faith.

The answer, for those who do not want to rely on faith, might reside in the very way we pose the question about ultimate reality. A wise perspective might be to focus on our way of interpreting and representing reality, rather than trying to explain the entire world around us, up to understanding the ultimate principle of Being.

The search for truth might not lead us to absolute knowledge, but it can lead to a greater awareness of ourselves and our place in the world. Moreover, our awareness and interpretation of reality are intrinsically linked to our emotions, intellect, heart, instincts, biological functioning, and psyche.

Rather than trying to divide or privilege one part of ourselves over another, we should strive to integrate and harmonize the multiple facets of our experience.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize the interdependence of all things.

Indeed, even the reality we seek and the illusion we create are closely connected.

We can never fully observe the system from an external perspective, as we are an integral part of that system.

Consequently, the distinction between reality and illusion, knowledge and ignorance, freedom and slavery becomes less clear-cut.

The pursuit of truth can be considered an illusion if what we seek is absolute knowledge or if we expect reality to change to fit our expectations. However, if what we seek is a greater awareness and understanding of our way of seeing the world and interpreting reality, then the search can be seen as a path of personal and spiritual growth.

Instead of trying to change external reality, we can focus on changing the way we interpret and understand reality.

This can be done through greater self-awareness and reflection on our experiences, critical reflection on our beliefs, and the willingness to question and alter our perspectives when necessary. It is important to recognize that our representation of reality is constantly evolving and that our understanding of the world can change over time.

Instead of clinging to a static and immutable view of reality, we can learn to embrace change and adapt to new situations and information.

In the end, the distinction between dream and reality, between truth and illusion fades:

“What did you do before enlightenment?”

He said, “I used to chop wood and carry water from the well.”

He was asked again, “And what do you do now that you are enlightened?”

He replied, “I chop wood and carry water from the well.”

Zen story

A balanced and holistic approach to reality and illusion involves accepting uncertainty and ambiguity as an integral part of our human experience.

Instead of striving for absolute knowledge or an indisputable reality, we can seek to develop a greater awareness of ourselves and our relationships with others and with the world around us. This allows us to achieve greater harmony, unity, and understanding, both on a personal and collective level.

The issue of illusion and reality is an ancient and complex one that continues to challenge the human mind. There is no definitive answer to the question, but we can work towards gaining a greater awareness and understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

We can strive to integrate the multiple facets of our experience and accept uncertainty as part of our human condition.



Gianpiero Andrenacci
Existential Kitchen

AI & Data Science Solution Manager. Avid reader. Passionate about ML, philosophy, and writing. Ex-BJJ master competitor, national & international titleholder.