Illegal Immigration is Not an Argument

Trump Returns to Hardening Narrative in Immigration Speech

Nick Asher
Exit 13
3 min readSep 5, 2016


Amid confusion from both sides of the aisle concerning his statement of a possible softening in his illegal immigration policy, Donald Trump made it very clear Wednesday night that he has no intention of retracting his views.

He specifically referenced his plans of granting no amnesty and zero tolerance for anyone who overstays their visas. Sanctuary cities will be ripped of federal support and Obama’s 2014 executive orders to not deport millions of illegal aliens shall be rescinded. And of course, that wall he plans to build sounds bigger, prettier, and more Mexican-funded than ever in his passionate Arizona speech.

Two thumbs up, Mr. Trump.

Is every little detail down to deporting millions and Mexico voluntarily paying for the wall completely reasonable? No.

But last night he displayed authenticity, and perhaps more than ever. Early in the primary season and even now he has been highly criticized for saying, “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

For a small percentage of those illegals he was correct. As of late, he has been addressing the good people among the population.

“We have at least 11 million people that came in illegally. They will go out. Some will come back, the best, through a process. They have to come back legally. It may not be a quick process, but I think that’s fair. They’re going to get in line with other people.”

In August he said,

“We have a lot of really good people. They’re illegal. Now, you either have a country or not. We go out, and we’re going to try and bring them back rapidly, the good ones,” and “the good people are going to be able to come back, but they’re going to come back legally.”

Trump is a buisnessman. He understands his audience. During the primaries, he shook up the Republican base with his radical ideas, and it worked for him. But now we are going to see more of the real Trump; the one we hear his kids talk about constantly but rarely see. Contrary to public opinion he does possess empathy and can sympathize with the fact that a large portion of the illegal population are good people who probably felt like they had no other choice, but to enter illegally.

With all this being said, the law is the law. Clear justice must win out over loose mercy in order to continue the pursuit of a more perfect union. As stated Wednesday night, the bottom line is this:

“Our message to the world will be this: You can not obtain legal status or become a citizen of the United States by illegally entering our country.” -Donald J. Trump

Illegal immigration was, is , and will always be a crime. We can not afford to flirt with the basis of this fact. This is not an argument. Donald Trump understands this and is not willing to give into anything less.

This “softening” had nothing to do with his policy, but with his narrative towards the illegal population.


