Let’s Stop Talking About Johnny Manziel

Johnny Manziel is a loser, a failure, and he needs to stop grabbing headlines.

Cameron Adamczyk
Exit 13
3 min readJul 2, 2016


Yes, the very nature of this article is slightly hypocritical. Creating a headline about stopping the creation of headlines is somewhat of a paradox. Hopefully this is the last headline you see featuring this scumbag’s name in it.

Johnny Manziel has been grabbing headlines since his freshman season at Texas A&M. He put up great numbers, won some lucrative awards, and led the Aggies out of football mediocrity.

Manziel then transformed into a megastar. ESPN followed him everywhere he went. He showed up on the front page of TMZ as frequently as Brittany Spears circa 2006. He was featured in the month of March on Skip Bayless’s slightly erotic, over-rated college quarterback calendar.

Then shit started hitting the fan.

First it was small things, like getting a little too rambunctious at college frat parties and leaving the Manning Passing Academy early because of “oversleeping.” The smallest of Manziel’s slip-ups owned sports headlines for days and First Take headlines for weeks.

The magnitude of his stardom was logical while his play on the football field outweighed his imperfections off the field.

Then he was selected by the Cleveland Browns.

He failed as a quarterback in the NFL. He sucked worse than Shaq’s acting career. He was given opportunity after opportunity to earn a starting spot just because his named carried potential.

In the 2015 off season, Manziel began on his quick and grim downward spiral. He checked himself into a rehabilitation facility, a seemingly proactive move that was glorified as a sign of Manziel’s spontaneous maturity. Instead, it was a flashlight into the dark tunnel of his demons.

During the 2015 football season, Johnny was pulled over for driving while intoxicated. Him and his girlfriend were fighting, but there were no charges filed. After getting promoted to starting quarterback, his demons haunted him in a video that surfaced of him partying at a club.

In 2016, Manziel was accused of domestic violence against his ex-girlfriend, was dropped by multiple agents, lost countless endorsement deals, and lost the faith of his own family.

“He’s a druggie. It’s not a secret that he’s a druggie. Hopefully he doesn’t die before he comes to his senses. I mean, I hate to say it, but I hope he goes to jail. I mean, that would be the best place for him. I’m doing my job, and I’m going to move on. If I have to bury him, I’ll bury him”

-Paul Manziel

Johnny Manziel was handed life on a golden-platter. He was born into prosperity, raised with talent and had multiple opportunities to reap the benefits of his talent. Instead, he finds himself a failure, a loser and a disgrace.

For the sake of a human being’s life and well-being, stop talking about this guy.

We know what he is. We know his character is one that hits women. We know he threw away a chance that only a a few thousand have ever had. We know he chose to abuse alcohol and drugs instead of focus on his craft.

He needs serious help.

That help is not going to come to him if the media gives him the attention that he likely craves. Manziel needs to be away from the spotlight. Stick him in a far away country or deep in a prison cell. Get him out of the way of himself.



Cameron Adamczyk
Exit 13

Writer for the Forsyth County News. Editor-in-Chief at Exit 13