The three reasons you should upload your old recordings

Giorgio Serra
Exit Live
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2018

Many artists on Exit Live use our platform to release recordings as and when they perform. It’s a great way of capitalising on the concert-high — while the sounds are still echoing around their heads. But there’s a small number of artists who have uploaded recordings from the past, some that are relatively recent and some that are more vintage. We think there’s some great reasons that every artist should jump on this bandwagon, and here are our top three.

Mavi Phoenix in Vienna © Nikolaus Ostermann

It can tell your story

I’m starting with my favourite reason. As artists our style changes and adapts over time. In some cases, we might add or remove members to the ensemble, or switch genres completely. Just look at Damon Albarn, David Bowie, or Janelle Monae, and you’ll see what I mean.

We often go through this change, and sometimes we choose to ignore who we were before we became the “finished act”. But many fans are fascinated about an artist’s evolution — so if you can find old examples of your performances and work you may find that your followers share just as much adoration.

That’s why vintage recordings often become extremely collectible. Some become historic, or even legendary. Some even manage to perfectly capture a moment in time, a mood, a movement.

But ultimately, it really builds out your personality as a musician, and it also provides a much stronger connection with your audience.

It gives your audience options

Some fans might prefer the festival performances, some might like your traditional venue sets, and some may pine for the intimate gigs. You need to cater for them all — so give your fans the ability to choose for themselves.

Often word can get around quickly. If an individual really hits it off with a recording from a couple of years ago, they’ll quickly let others know, and perhaps use it as an opportunity to introduce new people to your music.

That’s the thing with live music — every single one is unique, and so every single one has its own purpose.

It gives your old recordings another chance to work for you

As artists, we can sometimes feel a bit awkward talking about money — but why shouldn’t we be able to make a living from our passion?! By uploading old recordings you’re giving content, that would otherwise be doing nothing, a second life. It could be paying for your next performance, or even just for a night out!

So, if you have any recordings sitting around, get them onto Exit Live — and get the word out! Share it on social, email your fans, and start telling everyone. They may very well prove more successful than you think.

