Bitcoin Pizza Day 2021: what you can buy for 10,000 BTC
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2021

On 22nd May every year, crypto enthusiasts all around the world celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day. Find out what you can buy today for 10,000 BTC.

What is Bitcoin Pizza Day

In 2010, the crypto fan and programmer, Laszlo Hanyecz, made the first documented commercial transaction with Bitcoin. He bought two Papa John’s pizzas for 10,000 BTC on a forum. At the time, this huge amount of bitcoins was worth only $41. During the next 11 years, the price of Bitcoin significantly increased, hitting an all-time high of $64,777.98 on EXMO on 14th April 2021. Currently, 10,000 BTC is worth over $400,000,000 allowing its holders to buy much more than just two pizzas!

You can also buy luxury jewelry, cosmetics, online games and even pay for a Time magazine subscription with BTC. Check out what else you can buy with bitcoins.

How to celebrate Bitcoin Pizza Day?

The best way to celebrate the first ever commercial transaction using Bitcoin is to eat pizza! It’s up to you how and where to buy it — through the crypto-friendly online retailers and apps or directly from a restaurant. Just remember to get bitcoins first!


