How to build Gitlab CI pipeline for python tests reporting to Allure TestOps

Maya Miftakhova
Exness Tech Blog
Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2023

As a QA engineer at Exness, creating and maintaining CI pipelines for tests is a part of my day-to-day job. While it’s become routine for me now, writing my first Gitlab CI pipeline involved a lot of googling for answers.

I’ve created this guide to share my experience and hopefully help you with writing your own.

It explains code, dependencies, and environment variables used in a pipeline. After reading, you should be able to create a functional Gitlab CI pipeline that runs Python tests and reports results to Allure TestOps. This guide should answer any questions you might have along the way.

I hope you’ll have fun writing your first pipeline.

The issue we need to solve here is quite simple: we have some tests written in Python with pytest. There is pipenv that is being used as a dependency manager.

  • We need to run our tests in Gitlab CI,
  • The test results should be collected and reported to Allure TestOps.

A brief look at the test code

Let’s take a look at how we are going to install dependencies and run tests in CI.

In our code we use pipenv as a dependency manager. It means there are Pipfile and Pipfile.lock files that store information about dependencies used in the project.

Minimum packages declared in our Pipfile are:

pytest = "*"
allure-pytest = "*"

Here pytest is our test framework. And allure-pytest is a package that generates the test report we are going to send to Allure TestOps.

In addition to defining dependencies, we could add scripts to the [scripts] section of the Pipfile. It’s super handy to run tests, linters, or any other useful scripts.

In our case the [scripts] section contains tests_ci script that we will use in the pipeline later.

tests_ci = "pytest --alluredir=allure_results"

As you can see, the only difference from just running pytest is using --alluredir=allure_results. It tells allure-pytest package to generate report files and save them in the allure_results folder.

In CI we are going to install pipenv and python dependencies using the following commands:

- pip install pipenv
- pipenv sync

pipenv sync will install all dependencies from Pipfile.lock. As a result, we can be sure we get a reproducible environment.

And this is the command we are going to use to run tests:

- pipenv run tests_ci

How to tell Gitlab CI to run a pipeline?

Fortunately, it is pretty straightforward: all you need is to create a gitlab-ci.yml file in the root of your repo! Gitlab will check the file’s contents and run a pipeline.

CI script is a set of instructions that describe what, when and how should be done when a pipeline runs.

A pipeline consists of stages and jobs described within those stages. In our case, we will only have one stage and one job to run our tests.

Here is what we can write so far:

- tests

stage: tests

- pip install pipenv
- pipenv sync
- pipenv run tests_ci

While this script describes that we need to install dependencies and run tests, it is not enough. We need to add some instructions of where to run our code.

Where tests will run: the runner and the tag

tags keyword in gitlab-ci.yml expects a list of runners where the job should run.

We already have a runner with the tag test_tag we are going to use in our pipeline:

- test_tag

In case you don’t have your own runner set up, you can use shared Gitlab CI runners. In Gitlab web interface go to Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners -> Expand to choose one.

Docker image for tests

Now we know where our tests will run, it’s time to pick a docker image! The image keyword is exactly about that.

We are going to simply use python:3.10, as it fits our needs perfectly. In a Gitlab script, it would look like this:

image: python:3.10

Let’s see what the updated version of the script looks like:

- tests

image: python:3.10

- test_tag

stage: tests

- pip install pipenv
- pipenv sync
- pipenv run tests_ci

This script should already be working!

Send report to Allure TestOps

We are almost there. Let’s find out what we need to post test results to Allure TestOps.

1. The report itself.

Fortunately, it is already generated by allure-pytest package.

2. allurectl — command line tool for Allure TestOps, that will upload the report.

We are going to download the latest version each time the job runs:

- wget -O /usr/bin/allurectl
- chmod +x /usr/bin/allurectl

Alternatively, it is possible to create an image with allurectl preinstalled, or to keep the tool somewhere in the project.

To upload the test results we will use the following command:

- allurectl upload $TEST_REPORT_DIR

where $TEST_REPORT_DIR is the folder with the test report.

3. Some environment variables set in the pipeline:


ALLURE_LAUNCH_NAME — name of the test run in Allure TestOps. We combine it from the Gitlab project name and unique job id.

ALLURE_JOB_RUN_UID — is a job run identifier inside Allure. We define it as CI_JOB_ID — a unique identifier of the Gitlab job that is generated each time we run a job.

Defining unique ALLURE_JOB_RUN_UID is optional.

If it is not set in CI, test reports for several jobs in one pipeline will be combined into one Allure report.

If ALLURE_JOB_RUN_UID is unique, then each job inside one pipeline will have a separate test run in Allure TestOps.

4. Several environment variables set in the Gitlab’s Project settings.

Setting environment variables for the project: Settings -> CI/CD -> Variables -> Expand.


ALLURE_ENDPOINT — the Allure TestOps URL address.

ALLURE_PROJECT_ID — Allure project identifier. The test run will appear in the project specified here. This ID can be found in the Allure URL: — in this URL it is 13.

ALLURE_TOKEN — is the token that allows posting data to Allure TestOps. It can be created in Allure.

To create Allure TestOps token, go to your Allure TestOps web interface, click user avatar in the left lower corner of the screen -> Your profile -> API tokens -> Create

Why is it better to store some environment variables in project settings and not in the pipeline script?

- There is no need to change them often.

- They contain sensitive data: passwords, tokens and so on. Storing them in Project settings allows you to mark them as “masked”, and job logs won’t contain this data.

- If variables are stored on a group level — they can be reused in different projects.

Let’s take a look at a few more things before creating the final gitlab-ci.yml script.

rules and allow_failure

Gitlab job can contain some rules that define how and when the job is triggered.

- if: '($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push") || ($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event")'
when: manual
- when: always

allow_failure: false

rules defined here work the following way:

  • If the pipeline is created as a result of push or merge request — test job won’t run automatically. It will wait for manual user action.
  • In all other cases — test job will run automatically.

According to Gitlab CI docs allow_failure is true for manual jobs by default. In our case, it means the pipeline won’t fail regardless of job’s exit code. By the way, we want either a red or green pipeline — so we do not allow failures.

before_script, script, after_script

These are essential parts of the job defining strict order of actions and describing what should be actually done.

- wget -O /usr/bin/allurectl
- chmod +x /usr/bin/allurectl
- pip install pipenv
- pipenv sync --dev

- pipenv run tests_ci

- allurectl upload $TEST_REPORT_DIR

The before_script section is generally used to install dependencies and make some preparations. We’ve installed everything we need in this section.

script is the main part of the job — if this part finishes running with errors — the whole job will be marked as failed. Only tests are run in this section.

Commands described in after_script will run regardless of the script exit code, therefore this part is great for reports, notifications to chats and so on.

The final script

Finally, we can combine all the items and get a shiny working CI.

- tests

TEST_REPORT_DIR: "allure_results"

image: python:3.10

- test_tag

stage: tests

- if: '($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push") || ($CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "merge_request_event")'
when: manual
- when: always

allow_failure: false

- wget -O /usr/bin/allurectl
- chmod +x /usr/bin/allurectl
- pip install pipenv
- pipenv sync

- pipenv run tests_ci

- allurectl upload $TEST_REPORT_DIR

This pipeline has only one stage tests, and one job test belonging to that stage.

The test job consists of defining image, tags, stage, rules, and blocks describing what should be done before, during and after the script.

And that’s it! I hope this guide covers all your CI pipeline creation needs and saves you precious time on running Python tests.

