Exnetwork Crafts up an Investment in Medieval Metaverse, TaleCraft

Michelle Fernando
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2021

Hear Ye! Exnetwork announces its investment in TaleCraft, the first NFT crafting game to set foot in Avalanche. Sharpen your sword for the ultimate in PvP board games, as this partnership is set to grow the platform to bring the medieval world back into the landscape.

Driven by smart contracts, TaleCraft is completely playable on blockchain, and Exnetwork continues to support the broadening scope of NFT gaming applications with functional use cases as in TaleCraft’s economy metaverse.

NFTs Meet Alchemy

Craft your way through the game, and generate yields that would make your enemies falter. With its epic theme, and unique minting mechanics, TaleCraft bestows the power of the four elements to only the most skilled of alchemists!

The Four Elements of the Alchemist Cards

Open up a chest with $CRAFT tokens, and receive a card with one of the four elemental NFTs: Air, Water, Fire, or Earth. Add value into crafted cards, and level up NFTs into higher tiers to fetch higher prices in the competitive marketplace.

Craft to Earn — Economic Fundamentals

The bread and butter of the game, the Craft System allows players to create their own NFT collections and as a result, artists gain an appreciation for their works. The platform follows a free market concept, where artists and partners join hand in hand.

The craft system ensures the limited availability and stability of NFT values by continuously burning low-level NFTs as higher-level ones are being crafted. As the supply diminishes, values of remaining NFTs stabilize to create a functional economy within the game.

Watch the official game trailer here: https://talecraft.io/assets/videos/video-sm.mp4

And check out the gameplay guidelines here:


Follow Tale Craft on their official channels for updates and announcements:

Website: https://talecraft.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/talecraft

Twitter: https://twitter.com/talecraftio

Discord: https://discord.gg/dYjRtRqYK6

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdvGFYw8omx_Hqi-qZafbEQ

Get to know Exnetwork Capital

Exnetwork is Philippines’ #1 crypto fund with strong ties to every major geographical crypto community in the world. It’s exceptional network include several DAOs, telegram communities, a leading validator, incubator, idea labs, gaming guilds and growth agency.

In 2021, we’ve seen an incredibly strong period for innovation at Exnetwork Capital, with a barrage of creative projects developed by builders, early adopters, and visionaries all looking to develop the next big thing in crypto. Exnetwork Capital aims to invest in a diverse group of projects that will surely disrupt the market.

Website: http://exnetworkcapital.com/

Telegram: https://t.me/exnetworkpublic

