Exnetwork Moves Towards the Field of Vision

Michelle Fernando
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2021

Exnetwork is psyched to partner up with Vision Engine, the next-gen crowdfunding platform that provides the ultimate gaming experience — amplified by blockchain. Vision Engine sets their future sights on building the decentralized gaming industry with fast-paced advancements into game development, user onboarding, and more!

The Exnetwork Team supports Vision Engine as they innovate and grow the gaming industry. With this partnership, we can expect to continuously expand blockchain use in gaming, and provide developers with the tools they need to get their concepts off the ground.

Blockchain Gaming, Simplified

Vision Engine is blockchain gaming made simplified! The platform stomps on the hurdles barring individual developers from launching their projects, stunting the growth of decentralized gaming.

Get your Game On

Finally, developers can build their network, launch their game, and connect with their community all in one platform! Vision Engine provides developers with the essential tools they need to get their game going through their state-of-the-art SDK that integrates NFT and DeFi features.

This means that developers can improve on game mechanics, graphics, and tokenomics than the nitty-gritty of NFT and blockchain integration. Vision Engine streamlines the creation of games, giving developers the opportunity to focus on their craft.

Dive Right into the Action

On the other hand, capital investments in starter NFT sets pose barriers of entry in onboarding new users, especially for well-established games where newcomers feel intimidated to get on-board with the game before they even try it.

Vision Engine makes it easy for users to jump right into the action with a revolutionary wallet, and single sign-on process. In building a network, developers get to crowdfund their games entirely with a ready community of supporters and gaming enthusiasts. This increases long-term holding, as well as eliminates the need for games to apply NFTs in early games!

Stay updated with Vision Engine, and follow them on their official channels:

Website: https://visionengine.ai/

Medium: https://medium.com/@visiongame

Twitter: https://twitter.com/visiongame_

Telegram: https://t.me/visiongame_official

Get to know Exnetwork Capital

Exnetwork is Philippines’ #1 crypto fund with strong ties to every major geographical crypto community in the world. It’s exceptional network include several DAOs, telegram communities, a leading validator, incubator, idea labs, gaming guilds and growth agency.

In 2021, we’ve seen an incredibly strong period for innovation at Exnetwork Capital, with a barrage of creative projects developed by builders, early adopters, and visionaries all looking to develop the next big thing in crypto. Exnetwork Capital aims to invest in a diverse group of projects that will surely disrupt the market.

Website: http://exnetworkcapital.com/

Medium: https://medium.com/exnetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/exnetworkpublic

