Exnetwork Stakes Into the Real Economy with Blockchain-based ReSource

Michelle Fernando
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2021

Exnetwork announces its investment in ReSource Finance, a DeFi company that facilitates trade networks on which businesses can access credit at 0% interest. ReSource is a blockchain-based mutual credit network for businesses. Its protocol is based on the Celo platform and leverages its fast and low fee, allowing any business to easily access loans from their peers automatically creates a novel reputation system to rate the creditors in order to select the best businesses to extend lines of credit, thereby enabling commerce without cash.

How does ReSource work?

ReSource facilitates credit networks in which businesses extend credit to each other — without fiat money.

Instead, the ReSource protocol allows merchants to monetize what they already have: unused inventory, free labor time, and all resources comprising their business.

Participating merchants lend these unutilized resources to peers that need them, and in return — receive what they need to expand their own business.

This mutual credit system is secured by a distributed network of underwriters, who stake to insure credit lines and receive rewards in return.

The ReSource Protocol — Giving Rise to a New Class of Stablecoins

The ReSource Protocol provides a comprehensive toolbox for the creation of distributed mutual credit systems that grant participants access to 0% interest credit, further collaborative commerce, and give rise to a new class of stablecoins.

Instead of “renting” capital from a bank or lender, network-participants form a multi-sided lending system in which businesses extend credit to each other. However, they don’t do so with fiat or even crypto assets. Instead, the ReSource protocol allows participants to mobilise what businesses already have: unused inventory, free labour time, and all resources comprising their enterprise. ​​Participants lend these unutilized resources to peers that need them, and in return — receive from the network what they need themselves to expand their own business.

Stake into the real economy

ReSource staking rewards stem from the activity of real world businesses — Brick and mortar shops, SaaS providers, and utility companies. Even if crypto enters deep winter, Bitcoin goes sideways and the DeFi space contracts, ReSource staking pools remain exposed to real enterprises, with real customers and real products.

Get the latest news and updates from ReSource:

Website: https://resource.finance

Telegram: https://t.me/theresourcenetwork

Medium: https://re-source.medium.com

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/resourcemutual

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/UuTCRuuZMP

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCphf6BYgfUDccb4OEmj_oqg

Get to know Exnetwork Capital

Exnetwork is Philippines’ #1 crypto fund with strong ties to every major geographical crypto community in the world. It’s exceptional network include several DAOs, telegram communities, a leading validator, incubator, idea labs, gaming guilds and growth agency.

In 2021, we’ve seen an incredibly strong period for innovation at Exnetwork Capital, with a barrage of creative projects developed by builders, early adopters, and visionaries all looking to develop the next big thing in crypto. Exnetwork Capital aims to invest in a diverse group of projects that will surely disrupt the market.

Website: http://exnetworkcapital.com/

Medium: https://medium.com/exnetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/exnetworkpublic

