Exnetwork Supports the Need for Decentralized Compliance in the DeFi Industry with Astra

Michelle Fernando
Published in
2 min readJan 3, 2022

Exnetwork announces its investment in Astra, a new platform designed to support the adoption of decentralized finance (DeFi) among corporate institutions and enable an additional layer of security to the existing infrastructure of public blockchains.

Astra’s added legal assurance layer for institutions wishing to harness the power of decentralized finance. Astra Protocol aims to provide the DeFi industry with a compliance layer while tapping into the future growth of the nascent sector. Astra’s mission is to equip all DeFi smart contracts with a fully decentralized compliance layer, including KYC & AML capabilities, to act as a tool to resolve real-world compliance issues using the expertise of trusted legal firms.

As cryptocurrency investments continue to grow, individuals and institutions are now beginning to explore DeFi and its peer-to-peer concept that removes intermediaries from the system. This further pushes the need to adhere to the rules determined by society. With Astra’s DeFi protocol, institutions invest in a compliance platform that enables them to transact on all public blockchains with confidence, including Ethereum, Polkadot and Cardano.

DeFi presents high risk without a powerful on-chain dispute resolution platform. Enter Astra.

The company’s purpose is to ensure that DeFi protocols and other crypto organisations can stick to the rules set out by regulators — not just in the US but also in Europe and the rest of the world. Astra Protocol’s technology utilizes legal professionals to provide a security layer that does not compromise decentralization.

The $ASTR Token

The Astra token allows DeFi applications and the crypto community to be in control of how fast they want their compliance checks to be completed. Here are more interesting features of the $ASTR token:

  • Governance token model
  • Yield distribution
  • Token stakers receive yield
  • User fees
  • Prioritization and queuing

We believe Astra’s globally patented protocol will help innovate traditional financial institutions, and provide a decentralized legal assurance layer within the DeFi ecosystem. Users can harness the power of decentralized systems more safely with Astra.

Get the latest news and updates from Astra:

Website: https://astraprotocol.com

Telegram: https://t.me/Astra_Protocol

Medium: https://astraprotocol.medium.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/AstraProtocol

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/astra-protocol

Get to know Exnetwork Capital

Exnetwork is Philippines’ #1 crypto fund with strong ties to every major geographical crypto community in the world. It’s exceptional network include several DAOs, telegram communities, a leading validator, incubator, idea labs, gaming guilds and growth agency.

In 2021, we’ve seen an incredibly strong period for innovation at Exnetwork Capital, with a barrage of creative projects developed by builders, early adopters, and visionaries all looking to develop the next big thing in crypto. Exnetwork Capital aims to invest in a diverse group of projects that will surely disrupt the market.

Website: http://exnetworkcapital.com/

Medium: https://medium.com/exnetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/exnetworkpublic

