Exonium Weekly Report #15 嘉库周报 #15

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Exonium Exchange
6 min readAug 6, 2020


CSM Withdrawal Extension

CSM swap deadline on Digifinex will be extended to 9th August 2020, 11:00 (GMT +8). Therefore, CSM withdrawal on Exonium will also be extended to accommodate the swap. Users will be able to withdraw CSM onto Digifinex until 9th August 2020. Do note that deposits of CSM onto Exonium will not be reopened until further notice. Do stay tuned for announcements regarding Exonium listing of new CSM tokens!

Here are the steps and instructions for the Digifinex CSM swap.

1) Digifinex will resume CSM (ERC20) deposit on 27th July 2020, 11am (GMT+8) for users to swap tokens. Withdrawal for CSM on Digifinex will be closed. Do remember to generate a new CSM wallet address.

2) CSM holders will be able to deposit their CSM (ERC20) into Digifinex and it will be converted to the new CSM. Swap period will only last until 9th August 2020, 11 am (GMT+8). All CSM (ERC20) must be swapped within this period.

CSM Withdrawal Issue

Meanwhile, we received numerous feedback on our customer support channel regarding CSM withdrawal issues. Exonium tech team will be solving this issue and your withdrawal will be processed soon. Don’t worry about your withdrawal issue as we will process all of your withdrawal before the swap on Digifinex concludes. The main source of this issue is due to the high Ethereum transaction fee over the past 2 weeks and Exonium has to adjust fees for withdrawal a couple of times. We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Trading order issue

It came to our notice that some of our issues are facing issue regarding cancelled trading orders not cancelled immediately. This issue has been brought up to the Exonium technical team and it will be solved as soon as possible!

Resetting Google 2FA

We understand that majority of our users forgot their Google 2FA code and are not able to log in to Exonium. To reset 2FA, please follow the guideline below. Meanwhile, to ensure that you are able to reset 2FA before the CSM swap concludes, please submit documents on a weekday in order for your documents to be verified on time.

If you have lost your Google Authenticator Code and wish to recover it, please submit your verification documents to Exonium Support, which includes:

1. Your Exonium Account email.

2. A photograph of the page of your Passport showing your personal details.

  • It must fill the entire page.
  • Every word on the page must be legible.
  • The passport must still be valid.
  • The copy must not be modified by any photo editing software.

3. A selfie of you holding: the page of your Passport showing your personal details + a handwritten note stating “Exonium reset 2FA” with the date of application.

  • Every word on the page must be legible. Please make sure your fingers are not covering any text.
  • The content of the passport page with your personal details must be readable.
  • The selfie must be clear and not blurry.
  • The selfie must not be modified by any photo editing software.
  • Do not wear glasses, headphones or wireless hands-free devices, a hat or head-covering accessories. If you wear a hat or head-covering accessories for religious or medical purposes, please make sure that your hat or head covering does not cast shadows on your face.

Important: National identification (ID) cards of China, Korea, Indonesia and Philippines are eligible to undergo the verification process on Exonium Exchange.

*Note: We will examine your case and get back to you as quickly as possible. However, due to security reasons, we may require additional documents to process your request and it takes at least 7 days to process.

Market Trends
The bitcoin price broke $12,000 per bitcoin early Sunday morning only to plummet 12% to $10,500 within the hour before bouncing back to over $11,300 almost immediately. I guess it’s not surprising to many as Bitcoin is always known to be a volatile market. After months of relative stability, the bitcoin price ricocheted this weekend, rapidly losing and gaining over $1,000 in mere minutes.

Bitcoin’s Sunday morning flash crash was rumoured to be caused by different factors. We have stories about whales moving the market with their assets, meanwhile, we also hear speculations regarding algorithmic trading affecting the price of BTC, hence the crash. Algorithmic trading is used to automate trades based on time, price, and volume with traders programming buy or sell orders to happen when certain market conditions are met, such as an asset price reaching a particular level or if it sharply falls. Despite the crash, the crypto market sentiment score made another jump over the course of the past seven days, stepping into the positive zone and reaching new highs this year.

During the first mania in December 2017, bitcoin peaked at almost $20,000. Total market capitalization tripled from approximately $250 billion to $750 billion and barged into the mainstream public consciousness. Unfortunately for some traders, the market sold off just as quickly as it had pumped itself up. Is this recent price pump and sudden crash similar to 2017? The major difference between 2017 and 2020 is crypto’s ease of access. Cryptocurrency exchanges like Exonium are now more accessible to the mass and more traders can come onboard and be part of the revolutionary technology. As more investors are educated about the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies instead of investing purely based on speculations, the cryptocurrency market is definitely more matured as compared to 3 years ago.

However, it will take some time to tell if cryptocurrency is really gaining momentum and off to a lengthy bull run. We certainly hope so!

***Disclaimer: This content is not financial advice and should not form the basis of any financial investment decisions nor be seen as a recommendation to buy or sell any good or product. Trading cryptocurrency is complex and comes with a high risk of losing money. You should carefully consider whether trading cryptocurrencies is right for you and take the time to learn how trading works and decide how much money you are prepared to risk.

About Exonium

Exonium is a brand new world-class crypto exchange that places an emphasis on security and protection of users’ assets as well as high liquidity.

Exonium was founded to propel cryptocurrency into mass adoption. Merging the best of the exchange ecosystem and the principles of social network platforms, the exchange aims to put the power back in the hands of the community by empowering and enabling traders.

Be part of the future. Be in power. Be in a network of financial freedom.

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Quick guide:


D网上的C币交换截止日期将延长至2020年8月9日,11:00(GMT +8)。因此,嘉库上的C币取款也将得到延迟以适应交换。用户将可以在2020年8月9日之前将C币存至D网。请注意,除非另行通知,否则C币在嘉库上的存款将不会重新开放。请随时关注有关嘉库新C币上市的公告!


1. D网将于2020年7月27日上午11点(格林尼治标准时间+8)恢复旧以太坊C币(ERC20)存款,以供用户交换代币。 D网上C币的提款将被关闭。请记住要生成一个新的D网C币钱包地址。

2. C币持有者将能够将其旧以太坊C币(ERC20)存入D网,并将其转换为新的C币。交换期只有一个星期,直到2020年8月9日上午11点(格林尼治标准时间+8)。必须在这一周内更换所有C币(ERC20)。


同时,我们在客户支持频道上收到了大量有关C币提款问题的反馈。 嘉库技术团队将解决此问题,您的提款将很快得到处理。不用担心您的提款问题,因为我们将在D网交换完成之前处理所有提款。此问题的主要来源是由于过去两周以太坊的交易费用很高,嘉库必须多次调整提款费用。感谢您的耐心配合和谅解。对带来的麻烦表示抱歉。






1. 您的嘉库帐户的电子邮件

2. 护照里显示您的个人信息页面的照片

  • 它必须填满整个页面
  • 这页上的每一个字都必须清晰可辨
  • 护照必须仍然有效。
  • 不得使用任何照片编辑软件修改副本。

3. 一张自拍照,显示您的护照个人信息页+手写说明“Exonium Reset 2FA”和申请日期。

  • 这页上的每一个字都必须清晰可辨。请确保你的手指没有覆盖任何文字
  • 护照页的内容和您的个人信息必须可读
  • 自拍必须清晰而不模糊。
  • 自拍不能被任何照片编辑软件修改。







在2017年12月的第一场狂热中,比特币的峰值达到近20,000美元。总市值从大约2500亿美元增至7500亿美元,增长了两倍,并进入了主流公众的意识。不幸的是,对于某些交易者而言,市场抛售的速度与加速增长一样快。最近的价格上涨和突然崩溃是否与2017年相似? 2017年和2020年之间的主要区别在于加密的易用性。如今,像嘉库这样的加密货币交易所更容易为大众所用,更多的交易者可以加入并成为革命性技术的一部分。随着越来越多的投资者了解加密货币的基本原理,而不是纯粹基于投机进行投资,与3年前相比,加密货币市场无疑更加成熟。







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Exonium Exchange

ExoniumDEX is a decentralised exchange designed to be a unifying exchange of all coins through a unique oracle concept and bridging function.