From CEX to DEX: The birth of tEXO 嘉库转移到去中心化交易所

Since 2019, Exonium was founded to propel cryptocurrency into mass adoption. 自2019年以来,嘉库的使命是推动加密货币大规模采用。

Exonium Exchange
7 min readMay 3, 2021


Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) such as blockchain is the next big thing that will transform the operations of various industries, offering a plethora of benefits through decentralized networks, immutable transactions, and top-notch security.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are online platforms in which you can exchange one kind of digital asset for another based on the market value of the given assets.

However, cryptocurrency exchanges functioning in today’s market need to make optimum use of the massive potential that lies in blockchain technology.

Drawbacks of Existing Cryptocurrecy Exchanges (CEX & DEX)

  • Trust is required in CEX — Despite the advent of decentralization, many people prefer using centralized exchanges. This is ironic in the blockchain industry as it creates a possible single point of failure. Many CEX is still dominating the market pocketing a huge trading volume. There have been plenty of incidents of corruption, unfair trade practices, improper distribution of power, and control associated with centralized exchanges. CEX also suffer from frequent incidents of hacking, poor fund management, insider trading, market manipulation, Denial of Service attacks, unreliable customer support, sudden outage, and many more problems. Since they have the right to access the private keys of users, it leads to higher chances of swindling of funds without any chances of recovery. The infamous Mt.Gox hack is one of the many examples of a lack of safety in centralized exchanges due to the existence of a single point of failure.
  • Inefficient UI/UX — Decentralized exchanges (DEX) are not quite preferred or trading by users, as it does not cater to the needs of beginner traders. Decentralized exchanges also lacks customer support. On the other hand, professional traders do not want to use decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges as they are not satisfied with the speed of settling transactions and the absence of modern features such as margin trading and stop-loss orders.
  • Usage of native blockchains — The current decentralized exchanges operating in the market are confined to their native blockchains such as ETH and BSC. There are problems in executing cross-blockchain transactions involving the transfer of one digital currency to another. They instead use a cryptocurrency that can be exchanged by a user for his/her preferred currency. However, the project’s cryptocurrency is vulnerable to manipulation and fraud.

Expectation for the future of Cryptocurrency exchanges

The users in today’s market know that both centralized and decentralized exchanges are far from being perfect and have their own set of limitations. Hence, we are forced to come up with second-generation decentralized cryptocurrency exchanges at Exonium. Our objective is to be built on top of scalable blockchain networks that can also be seamlessly traded with other blockchain networks with the help of an open-source user interface for exchanging digital assets.

ExoniumDEX (tEXO) enhances liquidity and allows inter-exchange of all coins regardless of blockchain technology. Its main function is to be a one-stop DEX where all projects running on different networks can be inter-exchanged, achieved with the use of a unique oracle concept and bridging function. Thus, ExoniumDEX will provide significant liquidity to the DeFi space.

Tackling the issue of interoperability of different blockchains for different trades is the ExoniumOracle. It is an open-source, developer-friendly silo system that will convert blockchain data into the Ethereum-based format.

After the blockchain has gone through the ExoniumOracle, it is ported to ExoniumDEX via the ExoniumBridge. The latter is a smart contract that efficiently processes all information and data between ExoniumDEX and ExoniumOracle on-chain, and creates a binding contract between the two.

Hence, tEXO offers a lot of promise for users as they would have complete control over their respective digital assets and perform peer-to-peer transactions effortlessly without routing it through a central authority.

In the future, as the public’s interest in the usage of blockchain technology grows, users will want more control and security in their engagement with exchanges while holding various digital assets.

It promotes automated trading without levying trading fees (organisation profits) for users. There is a lack of incidents such as server downtime or a large scale hack. Since they are new to the evolving world of cryptocurrency, there lies a lot of undiscovered potentials. Hence new users will experience a learning curve and face issues relating to speed and liquidity. However, these trade-offs are with it for those traders who favor utmost security and privacy.

While CEXs enjoy the advantage of being a first-mover, they had more time in hand to accumulate more users and liquidity. Hence, DEXs are always chasing centralized exchanges in the current market.

The changing regulatory environment and customer sentiment would work to the advantage of DEX. DEX like tEXO fulfils the requirements of transparency as their code can be inspected anytime and are more secure as users remain in control of their respective wallets.

DEXs has the potential to fetch more liquidity, and become more interoperable by promoting cross-chain trading.

Although DEX will probably not completely replace centralized ones as a whole, both services will be part of the future and coexist with each other. Centralized cryptocurrency exchanges are better in compliance with regulations, providing technical support and implementation of banking services when compared to decentralized exchanges.

Decentralized exchanges such as tEXO will continue to rise in popularity in the future but it remains doubtful if they would match the scalability of centralized exchanges soon.

Exonium Transition to DEX

Since 2019, Exonium was founded to propel cryptocurrency into mass adoption. Merging the best of the centralised exchange ecosystem and the principles of social network platforms, the exchange aims to put the power back in the hands of the community by empowering and enabling traders. ExoniumDEX was conceptualised during the decentralised finance (DEFI) movement of 2019/2020. DEFI continues to reach a high level of user adoption and financial commitments. Total value locked in emerging projects like Uniswap, Sushiswap has achieved all-time high values of several billions in dollars. The value proposition of the blockchain and cryptocurrency space has never been more promising, filled with opportunities and solutions. A large part of the increase of participation in DEFI is due to the adoption of Uniswap/PancakeSwap as well as conceptual yield farming. However, existing AMM does come with certain limitations, which ExoniumDEX is positioned to solve and more.

ExoniumDEX developers come from a diverse group of DEFI projects, having launched several high profile and successful ones. With such experience, the developers have identified crucial problems that inhibit further growth in DEFI and blockchain adoption- that of the exclusiveness of DEFI in separate blockchains e.g Tron, Ethereum, Binance Smartchain, with close to zero interoperability and exchange between them on a easy to use unifying platform.

DeFi challenges the CeFi system by disempowering middlemen, and empowering everyday people via peer-to-peer transactions.

Decentralized finance is an unbundling of traditional finance. DeFi takes the key elements of the services provided by banks, exchanges and insurers today — like lending, borrowing and trading — and puts it in the hands of retail investors or the unbanked.

Synthetic assets are new primitives made possible by the maturation of Ethereum and the DeFi ecosystem. Synthetic assets represent open and global access to existing financial markets, itself an important primitive.

But cut deeper and you can see the innovation behind markets for anything. We can potentially use these primitives to construct novel, new financial markets that can fundamentally align incentives and change the way we live our lives.

Development for tEXO is currently in place and will be due to launch soon. Stay tuned for updates as we will be releasing a detailed documentation on this.

About Us

ExoniumDEX is developing a blockchain-based platform that aims to provide a bridge between synthetic assets and fiat money, cryptocurrencies, stocks and other financial instruments.

The recent expansion of DeFi projects brought multiple innovative platforms to the ecosystem but most projects are still centralized or governed by a small group of participants making it difficult to make a smooth integration with other platforms.

We aim to aggregate all current and future DeFi applications under the same ecosystem that can be managed in a decentralized way without unnecessary fragmentation. This approach will allow for quick development and a more efficient market for users.

DeFi protocols like tEXO are the future for savvy investors to mitigate regulatory risk in a world of uncertainty. CEX can always pause withdrawals and has control over your funds. With a DEX, you remain in full control.

The future of finance belongs to the people.








在中心化交易所(CEX)中,信任是必需的 — 尽管分散化的出现,许多人还是更喜欢使用中心化交易所交易。这在区块链行业具有讽刺意味,因为它可能造成单点故障。许多CEX仍在主导市场,获得巨大的交易量。发生了很多腐败事件,不公平的贸易行为,不当的权力分配以及与集中交易相关的控制。 CEX还经常遭受黑客攻击,资金管理不善,内幕交易,市场操纵,拒绝服务攻击,不可靠的客户支持,突然中断以及许多其他问题。由于他们有权访问用户的私钥,因此导致资金被骗的可能性更高,而没有任何恢复的机会。臭名昭著的Mt.Gox黑客是由于存在单个故障点而导致集中式交换缺乏安全性的众多示例之一。

不良的用户界面和体验- 分散式交换(DEX)并不是用户的首选或交易方式,因为它不能满足初学者的需求。去中心化交易所也缺乏客户支持。另一方面,专业交易者不希望使用分散式加密货币交易所,因为他们对结算速度不满意,并且对保证金交易和止损定单等现代功能不满意。















嘉库DEX — tEXO

嘉库DEX $tEXO 是下一代强大的去中心化应用,支持基于各种生态系统的项目。我们充当现代化的超级去中心化应用,您可以在其中使用各种区块链协议。

嘉库DEX ($tEXO) 具有全面的可互操作的分散式金融解决方案,旨在集成来自不同区块链协议的项目,以在 嘉库DEX ($tEXO) 内实现可互操作的分散式金融生态系统。




像tEXO这样的DeFi协议是精明的投资者在不确定性世界中减轻监管风险的未来。 CEX始终可以暂停取款并控制您的资金。使用DEX,您可以完全控制。



Exonium Exchange

ExoniumDEX is a decentralised exchange designed to be a unifying exchange of all coins through a unique oracle concept and bridging function.