Brands and Changes

Courtney Gilbertson
EXP50: Social Media
1 min readNov 30, 2015

The arrival of the internet brought many changes with it other than the social media takeover. The way we view television and the content we enjoy has changed as well. It was interesting to see how Comedy Central is adjusting their ad revenue and platform strategies to adjust for this as well as adjusting their content to meet our constantly wandering and always updated minds.

It was unfortunate to read about how social media has revolutionized media. I for one do not follow any musicians on twitter, I tend to follow politicians, comedians, and actors, people whose persona I feel is a part of their trademark. While it is interesting to get a glimpse into the life of a musician, I do not feel like this should add or subtract from the quality of their music.

Being apart of the millennial generation myself and interacting with them via social media, I really connected with the line from “How do you market to Millennials” that stated, “We’re completely self-absorbed. It’s the reason we post status updates, it’s the reason we’re on Instagram — even if it’s not a photo of us, it’s still a statement of a place and a time that I was at and you weren’t and showing that off.” So much of social media is simply building brands, it is easy to forget that companies are not the only ones putting out a brand via social media, but that each of us creates our own brand via social media as well.

