
Courtney Gilbertson
EXP50: Social Media
1 min readNov 16, 2015

From both of the readings I drew the conclusion that as a society we have trouble organizing ourselves and that is the root of many of the changes and troubles we are experiencing and it is amplified by the use of the internet. We are no longer joining groups that are tightly organized with strong bonds anymore due to our reliance on internet advocacy, however internet advocacy does not lend itself to strong organization and leads to weak participation.

The internet has allowed for the democratization of the media, however with so many voices and a lack of organization this is not as effective. Users can only listen to so many of the voices and without clear organization they are drawn to the big trusted media names, a step back in the democratization. While the internet gives everyone the opportunity to be heard, few are. Finding a way to organize social media could be an important step in the future.

