Aviva Kardener
EXP50: Social Media
1 min readOct 5, 2015


Peeple — The Unwanted Unity of Online and IRL Persona

These readings bring up that there is a disconnect from our online personas/lives and our out in the world (IRL) personalities/lives. Obviously, one can’t upload their entire being onto a computer, at least not yet. I think something to consider is that we all behave differently or show a different version of ourselves in different crowds of people. For instance, your behavior in a professional interview is going to be different from that of a first date, and that on a really bad day with ice cream in one hand and chocolate in the other with friends huddled around you.

Julia Cordray’s app Peeple not only monopolizes the idea that one’s first impression of you is representative of your entire being, but also broadcasts it to the world. This is no longer a self-determined online persona. People on Peeple will engage their need for gossip on a more public, permanent, and world-wide platform. Spooky…

