Publishers and Filters

Courtney Gilbertson
EXP50: Social Media
2 min readNov 2, 2015

I think the TED Talk, “Beware online ‘filter bubbles’” is something everyone should listen to. It is so easy to believe that our point of view is the majority and the correct point of view when social media makes us believe that everyone agrees with us. It is hard for social activists to see what they are up against and for people who don’t align with activists to see their side when they are never presented with it or made to feel that they are the majority opinion. Even when not changing someone’s ideal it is also important to simply be aware of other people’s ideas. I first realized that social media platforms did this when I realized that I only received updates from the postings of some of my facebook friends, I did not realize though how widespread this was and that it applied to important news issues as well.

It was interesting to realize how everyone is becoming publishers with the creation of the internet. However, I do not think newspapers or news stations will become obsolete. I definitely think the paper part will disappear and they will become electronic, but I think big newspaper companies will stay intact because we still value them and give a higher respect to professional reporters. Although reporters have biases as well, our society for the most part takes professional reporters to bring us the most factual news and we put more trust in them and see them as more credible than bloggers so for at least a while longer they will still have a place.

