The Spooky Effects of Filter Bubbles

Aviva Kardener
EXP50: Social Media
1 min readNov 2, 2015

While Halloween is officially over, and November — or should I say Christmas — is here, the internet is still a spooky place with its mask off. Filter Bubbles sound like cute little bubbles that cast rainbows in the world, but they have an isolating effect to be feared. Filter bubbles have a way of creating a false sense of connection through the internet, while actually disconnecting us from the realities of the world, the news, the thoughts and beliefs of others whom we may disagree with. One of the biggest hindrances to ending the gridlock between opposing parties in the US is niche news reporting. People are only exposed to the ideas and beliefs they already have, and do not have any understanding of how others may feel or think about an issue. This is incredibly isolating and builds fear of differences. The internet is supposed to be a web that connects us all, but with filtering or tailoring results and post, different sites actually work to separate us all.

