Expand: Expand’s Third Q&A

The answers to your most asked questions!

Rory O'Reilly
4 min readFeb 28, 2019


The answers to your most asked questions!

We’re happy to be back again answering the Expand community’s questions! In our last update we mentioned that the core Expand team is hiring a lead backend engineer — so far we’ve received over 85 applications and are currently working through the interview process. As we continue to look through the applications, please feel free to apply.

In the past few weeks, we’ve continued to make substantial progress on the requester portal. Furthermore, we’ve made the decision to open-source pieces of the design process, which aligns with our principals of open-sourcing all components of Expand. Soon we’ll release our Figma links for community members to follow progress as well as to constructively contribute to the discussion. Lastly, we’ll be launching a new microtask in the coming weeks.

As always, please feel free to sign up to be a worker and experience Expand for yourself at portal.expand.org.

If you’d like to have your question answered in a future post, please ask us here. The most frequently asked questions will be answered.

Note: some questions have been briefly edited for spelling, grammar, translation, and clarity.

What’s the reason for the portal redesign? How did you decide this is a high priority item to work on? What are the outcomes of the redesign?

The portal redesign launched in our last update is the residual effects of the requestor portal that is being worked on. The requestor portal is the highest priority item, and the worker portal redesign was a byproduct of its development.

Can I withdraw Expand (XPN) from Expand.org directly to other clients instead of to MetaMask?

This functionality is planned but not currently supported.

When will you elaborate the tasks related to airdrop (3 tiers from KYC) list? When will the task be available and when will the airdrop take place? Thanks!

Tasks for early community members will be released after the requestor portal is released.

When the Expand team started building a community, the media reported that Expand once had 60,000 followers, and now XPN community members are getting fewer by the day. Some think this almost equals the death or project failure, but the project has not yet begun to operate! How do you think about this and the your plan for the future?

Our Twitter and Email remain at all time high numbers (>17k and >75k respectably), but we don’t measure our success as a community via sheer followers. It’s true that Telegram numbers have gone down, but this is more of people shifting platforms and a change in community behavior. At one point Expand had the largest Telegram (hitting the then official max of 50,000 members). Telegram groups for organization has become plagued with spam and as such most groups such as ourselves have shrunk.

As we plan for the future, we think about product. We believe if our community and the core Expand team builds the best microtask platform that benefits requesters and workers that our job will be accomplished.

I am not getting new tasks in my account. Why?

There is currently one task on Expand. Please contact us directly at hello@expand.org to verify you’re indeed not getting new tasks in your account when they are released.

I was a pre-sale contributor. What do I do now with the tokens?

Expand didn’t have a pre-sale, but if you have XPN tokens you can list a job on Expand as a requester, or perform work as a worker! XPN exists to connect workers and requestors.

How long is the requester’s portal expected to be completed? I remember mentioning at the end of last year that it would take about a month.

The requester portal’s design and front end is near completion, and what’s left is finishing up the backend. You’re correct in that we thought it would be shipped by now, but as with all things in software we hit a roadblock.

When will new tasks be available? When will previous task pending gets approved?

Pending tasks should be approved or not approved already! New tasks will be available more readily once the requester portal is launched.

The name of the token should be changed — it is too important. Even if the company is named Expand, because the contract of the token is still Gem, the whole project is messy — it has a bad impact on the brand. Any progress on the name?

As mentioned in our previous update we’re currently evaluating options on this front and the team is working on it.

Thank you so much for your questions. Please do keep them coming! To all experienced Golang engineers, please feel free to apply for our lead backend engineer position! Please keep a lookout for our design post soon!

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Rory O'Reilly

Dropout @Harvard | Founder @Expand | Founder @ gifs.com | Thiel Fellow | 30 < 30