Expand: Second Biweekly Q&A

The answers to your most asked questions!

Rory O'Reilly
3 min readFeb 5, 2019


The answers to your most asked questions!

We’re happy to be back again answering the Expand community’s questions! In the past two weeks, we’ve made substantial progress on the requester portal. Additionally, the workers portal underwent a large re-design — you will now experience an even more beautiful layout than before, allowing you to navigate and complete tasks with ease. Please feel free to sign up to be a worker and experience it for yourself at portal.expand.org. Lastly, the core Expand team is hiring a lead backend engineer! If you’re a backend engineer experienced in Golang, please feel free to apply.

If you’d like to have your question answered in a future post, please ask us here. The most frequently asked questions will be answered.

Note: some questions have been briefly edited for spelling, grammar, translation, and clarity.

I tried to deposit my XPN on to the portal but it just gives me a message saying I need to have a certain amount of XPN but doesn’t actually allow to deposit and start doing tasks.

Depositing XPN to the portal must be done via MetaMask. In light of this comment we are updating the portal to return a display message when a user attempts to deposit not via MetaMask.

I regret that the name of the contract cannot be changed. Is there a standby policy? For example, reissue the coin, then drop it 1:1 according to the Ether address, and then cancel the original token.

Yes, there are certainly standby policies! We’re looking into multiple options at this point in order to better serve the Expand community. Please stay patient as the core team works this out.

I think Expand is promising. From now on, many community users will participate in Expand and develop.

We appreciate the kind words! At the core, Expand is a protocol for others to build on. Once Expand is fully open-sourced we look forward to Expand community members developing on top of it.

The question of XPN on exchanges is not being addressed as it should. In the end the Expand team should have a clear stand on the XPN being listed on any exchange. For legal reasons, most understand that any shilling or endorsement of the coin as an investment can lead to serious legal matters to the Expand team. However the community of people working on micro-tasks should be able to liquid their XPN tokens on secure exchanges. It makes no financial sense for anyone to perform tasks for useless decentralized tokens. Case in point: Augur is decentralized but the REP coin is being traded on major exchanges. I think the recent responses regarding the listing of XPN on exchanges is not sending a clear message to any one spending their time to perform micro-tasks or early contributors.

We certainly appreciate your opinion and your input, however our previous response remains the same. XPN is not an investment and the core Expand team does not comment on exchanges. Expand and XPN exists to connect requesters and workers.

You must announce your development roadmap!

As mentioned in our last bi-weekly update, we’re currently working on the requester portal. The requester portal allows requesters to post tasks without interacting with the core team. This will allow Expand to scale quickly and facilitate new tasks at a rapid pace. Furthermore, once the requester portal is open sourced, anyone can develop on top of it, allowing new Expand Modules (interfaces) to be built rapidly.

You can see our current Expand Modules on Github.

Thank you so much for your questions. Please do keep them coming! To all experienced Golang engineers, please feel free to apply for our lead backend engineer position!

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Rory O'Reilly

Dropout @Harvard | Founder @Expand | Founder @ gifs.com | Thiel Fellow | 30 < 30