The Web used to be grey, slow and really exciting…
Remember what the World Wide Web used to look like? Most of you probably don’t, and it honestly wasn’t that long ago. I made my first professional (um?? sure) Webpage (they weren’t called Websites then) in ‘94-ish when I was the Art Director of Australian Multimedia Magazine. And I was So. Fucking. Excited.
This is what we had to play with…
Background colour options: Grey.
Typography options: Times or Courier.
Image options: *GIFs, 256 colours only. And I’d spend HOURS bashing the shit out of pixels to trim my GIFs down by a few Kilobytes.
Animation options: None, but soon (Animated GIFs came out in ‘96).
Anything else?
This is the only screen grab I have of our old site for MM mag.
Frontiersville it was. Brave new world and all that jazz. And what do we have to show for it?
LOL cats. *sigh*