The Art Of Small Talk Abroad: 9 Icebreaker Mistakes That Make Locals Cringe & How To Fix Them!

Your words can open doors, or slam them shut! Here’s how to make every conversation count, wherever you are.

David Peluchette
Expats Planet


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What You’re About to Learn Could Save You From Global Embarrassment

Some of these tips come straight from my personal misadventures (like the time I accidentally offended a Parisian baker, yes, it involved croissants).

Others are drawn from the facepalm-worthy tales of friends, seasoned travelers, and a few locals brave enough to dish their honest opinions over a few pints.

If you’ve ever had a conversation freeze abroad, this article’s for you.

It’s time to save your small talk and your dignity.

Let’s get into it.

1. The Weather Chat Trap: Why It’s Not Always a Safe Bet

Imagine settling into a cozy London pub and saying, “Looks like rain again, huh?

The bartender smirks, “Brilliant deduction, Sherlock.” Ouch.



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